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Around, Around the world

Photos: Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 9 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Singapore

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 9 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Koh Phangan (As Richard would say: 'Cancerous Parasitesss!!!)

THAILAND | Wednesday, 23 Mar 2011 | Views [540]

Sooooo, Last Night in Koh Phangan.  Had an amazing time amongst the party animals!  Drank from buckets and resisted the temptation of afterwards building a sand castle with them (well Katie did start a sandcastle in the centre of the dancefloor but that ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, koh phangan

Photos: From City to Island

THAILAND | Saturday, 19 Mar 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Island Hopping

THAILAND | Monday, 14 Mar 2011 | Views [459]

Our time in Koh Samui is up...we must now jump into the water and swim our way to Koh Phangan!  Should be a 40 minute journey :) Looking forward to the Fullmoon party, not so much to sharing a bathroom.... Talk soon! Love, Katie and Aurora ;)

Tags: koh samui

Koh Samui

THAILAND | Thursday, 10 Mar 2011 | Views [539]

Island life going pretty good so far!  Just chilling on the beach and being busy doing nothing.  Only problem is that it is still too expensive.  We were hoping the islands would be cheaper but were deeply mistaken.  We blame all the sodding european ... Read more >

Tags: koh samui

Singapore and Bangkok

THAILAND | Tuesday, 8 Mar 2011 | Views [568]

Singapore airport really is one of the best in the world...I mean, there's a JUNGLE inside!! We didn't see much of Singapore apart from Chinatown which was pretty cool!  Although we did stay in an amazing hotel with two pools and stole as much free ... Read more >

Tags: thailand


INDIA | Wednesday, 9 Feb 2011 | Views [485]

So we are finally in India!  It took us four days of constant travel but we got there in the end!  The train was surprisingly fun and nowhere as horrible as we expected.  Which was good!    The house we are staying in is so nice and we'll upload the ... Read more >

Photos: India

INDIA | Wednesday, 2 Feb 2011 | Photo Gallery

Our Journey to India
See all 319 photos >>

Photos: Dublin

IRELAND | Monday, 24 Jan 2011 | Photo Gallery

Getting the Indian Visa, little leprachuan
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Getting ready to go! Ho, ho, ho.

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 24 Jan 2011 | Views [372]

Title says it all really, doesn't it? Only less than a week to go! Next stop London! So long suckers ;)

Tags: preparing

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