Both legs of the trip were uneventful, save for the turbulence, which makes every control freak, especially one gifted with a fatalistic sense of humor, curl their toes. It was almost even blessed as a single traveler the perfect seatmate is courteous, and respectful of boundaries, also having a seat between us did not hurt matters. ^^
Meanwhile, with the heightened security due to bomb threat at airports I was lucky to get through customs without having to produce my spleen, though at Heathrow it was a close call as a very butch female attendant patted me down rather thoroughly...T.T Next it will be a full cavity search...when did flying become such an ordeal. An elderly British gentleman staunchly refused to take his oxfords off at customs saying it was "positively uncivilized".
Meanwhile the heavy rains foretold by the weather channels did not happen though Rome is a bit overcast. The Tiber is a lovely shade of jade and the cars are tiny and zip around...yet very few people honk, though I have seen some choice hand signals whose meanings I can only answer your question this entire journal will just be one long continuation of non-sequiturs. ^_^
I have found my hostel, a converted convent on a quiet street just across from the Ponte (Bridge) Mazzini. It is a 15 min walk from St. Peters I plan to go their tonight to see it lit up after a quick walk to the piazza navona and San Crispino's Gelato's dinner don't judge. The walls of this place are thick and and high and it is cool and comfortable inside, but their is a beautiful courtyard below and I am very happy I found this place. Recommended to those who come in the future...going to catch my breath and go. pictures later tonight perhaps