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There are [0] photos and [12] stories about Ecuador

Video: Rediscovering Identity

Monday, 13 Jan 2014 | Views [664] | Video

Here's a short video I did for my final class project summing up my experience in Ecuador so far. I hope you enjoy!

Tags: ecuador, identity, video

Soy Normal!

Friday, 10 Jan 2014 | Views [428]

Well, it’s our last full day in Cuenca and our last class period of the trip. I only have one week left in Ecuador! When signing up for this trip at the last minute in October, I would have never guessed that my experience would have been quite ... Read more >

Tags: last day, normal, real, soy

Magical Forests and Underground Rivers

Friday, 10 Jan 2014 | Views [390]

At 7:45 this morning, we loaded the bus for Cajas National Park. I heard that this trip would be exciting and “magical” but I wasn’t sure how magical it would be for me. I love hiking, but wearing rubber boots and three layers at 12,000 ... Read more >

Tags: cajas, paper tree, patient flower, secret streams, sponges

Back to the Basics: Cooking, Healing, and Education

Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 | Views [417]

The last couple days have been so eventful! We learned how to cook a traditional Ecuadorian meal, visited a hospital, saw the CEDEI School and participated in a traditional healing. It is so interesting to compare all that we’re seeing with what ... Read more >

Tags: cooking, healing, hospital, school

Halfway to Somewhere

Tuesday, 7 Jan 2014 | Views [443]

Well, our trip is officially over half way done. I have so many mixed feelings about that! On one hand, I absolutely love Ecuador. I’ve had so many opportunities to grow and learn, all while in a beautiful country. On the other hand, I miss my ... Read more >

Tags: halfway, privilege


Monday, 6 Jan 2014 | Views [598]

It’s official. I’m tired. We’ve been having so much fun that I can’t keep up anymore! I’m so glad I’ve decided to take tonight to work and homework and relax. I have to say, the boy advice from our host dad and bonding ... Read more >

Tags: dating advice, day of the innocents, ingapirca, though

Reflecting on Myself

Saturday, 4 Jan 2014 | Views [638] | Comments [1]

This week, we’ve been talking a lot about identity, stereotypes, and what it really means to communicate. Phrases that I’d heard for all of my life are actively taking on new meanings as I am starting to tie real experiences to these textbook ... Read more >

Tags: family, globalization, indigenous, no hablo español, stereotypes

Creepy Old Men

Saturday, 4 Jan 2014 | Views [1945] | Comments [1]

After three days in Cuenca, it feels like home. Our legs have stopped aching from the 40-minute walk to school and we can almost breathe normally with the altitude. Actually, to be honest, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to breathe normally ... Read more >

Tags: cows, creepy old men, museums, tours, zip line

A New Year Adventure

Thursday, 2 Jan 2014 | Views [328]

Sorry this is a little late... but this is for New Years Eve and Day. Happy New Year! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I can’t believe it’s only been six days since I left the U.S.... Read more >

Tags: burning dummies, host family, john lennon, new years

Living the Indigenous Life (not really)

Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 | Views [555]

I was so sad to be leaving Quito this morning. It was such a vibrant city with so much to see! We had breakfast in the seventh floor of our hotel and it looked like an incredible meal. Unfortunately, I pulled a Kaitlyn and woke up a little too late to ... Read more >

Tags: beauty and the beast, hosteria, traditional food

The Beautiful Quito

Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 | Views [1294] | Comments [1]

I could definitely get used to waking up to the sounds of roosters. It’s just like I always imagined as a kid! Sure, 5:45 came around early, but the quiet, beautiful city made it all worth it. Christine and I went to Mass at the church down the ... Read more >

Tags: city tour, dead pigeons, jesus, museum

Alpaca: My New Favorite Animal

Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 | Views [747]

I am completely stunned by Ecuador. It is everything I had hoped for and nothing that I had expected. Our first day in Otavalo was full of fun, learning, and plenty of surprises. We bargained our way through the Saturday market, learned how to play traditional ... Read more >

Tags: alpaca, altitude, beauty, island, markets



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