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Kaitie & Caroline's Epic Journey of Super Awesomeness!

Our Journey to Koh Samui

THAILAND | Thursday, 4 March 2010 | Views [613]

SOOOOOOO....worst trip yet lol

keep in mind Kaitie was sick and we made a visit to the SIngapore hospital but fearing for H1N1 quarantinen, which would cause us to miss our flight, we ran out and hopped on our flight (DONT WORRY SHE JUST HAD KAITIE DISEASE). Not curable just comes and goes!

Anyways we got up early the next morning in Phuket and were escorted to our minibus (also known as a van shoved full of people with not enough seats for all there passengers). Lucky Caroline was stuck in between the crazy driver and his thai friend in the front sitting not on a chair but a random piece of wood that had its own built in seat warmer due to the fact it was right over the engine. No one would ever need a seat warmer in Thailand. Thus caroline's ass was on fire in addition to numb after only 15 minutes into this journey. Kaitie got the other prime seating sitting next too the door on a chair that did not seem to be very stationary as with every turn, acceleration and deceleration kaitie was moving. This did not help her Kaitie disease as she was already vomiting quite well on her own before we left Phuket or PUKETTE (LOL). Throughout the drive Caroline became very concerned because with every bump in the road something in the van stopped working. FIrst it was the horn and trust me you need a horn when driving in Thailand. Next it was the blinker. THe best thing was Caroline did not have a seat belt but both the driver and his associate were well strapped in so Caroline would be the only one to fly through the windshield. Not good when the driver burns rubber slamming on the breaks because people in Thailand don't know how to drive. Luckily we arrived alive in Surat Thani with only a numb/burning hot ass and no car sickness. So in our books that was a success!

In Surat Thani we were dropped off at this random shack where we had to wait for an hour until a sketchy bus picked us up to take us to the pier. PLease note we have been in the minibus for about 4hrs arriving at this shack at about 1pm, still thinking our ferry was supposed to depart at 2:30pm. This shack was home to a lovely creature.....a sketched out rat that would walk in circles very slowly! We stayed very far away but still named it RONALD! Ronald would like to walk into walls and then just pass out for a bit and then try again. Now that is dedication! We think Ronald may have problems or Kaitie DIsease!

We finally loaded on to our bus which had fans an opened windows too cool us down in the mid-day heat! It was so nice of them to let us sit in it for about 40mins before it actually departed for the pier. We felt safe considering our driver stalled about 10 times before we even started moving. Time quickly passed the 2:30 ferry departure time and all we could hear was our driver screaming something in Thai in his cell phone making the whole bus concerned that we missed our ferry. On top of him screaming into his cell phone he felt it imperative to make random stops along the way for his lunch and then some red bulls. We finally arrived at the pier just after 3pm and found out that our ferry was not actually leaving until 4:30pm so we had an hour and a half to kill outside in the hot sun (not complaining glad its not snow!). Luckily we met a nice Canadian couple who we could shoot the shit with and they gave us a few pointers about India as they had recently been there!

After an extremely bumpy and rocky ferry ride we arrived in Koh Samui at 7:30pm and had an hour drive ahead of us to our hostel.....Long ass day but are super happy to be back in Thailand and back on the islands!



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