Hey Everyone!
So we've been having an awesome time here in Hong Kong so far. This city is amazing! Its so clean and cheap and easy to get around in! Our first full day we had to switch from our nice hotel, into a not so lovely hostel. Of which the toilet broke our first day? Awesome! After lugging our backpacks around for only a few subway stops, we realized we seriously need to re-evaluate our lives for the upcoming months, because those things are wayyyy to heavy! Once we settled in to our new digs, we went out exploring! We went down to the harbour and caught the ferry over to Hong Kong Island, or as Caroline will forever be dreaming about, the home of the "batman Building". Yes, we saw the building Batman jumped off in the Dark Knight movie. We even proceeded to dodge traffic and security guards to touch the building. Yes, we touched the building, Batman touched the building, Therefore, we have touched Batman. Jealous? From there we rode the Peak Tram up to the top of the mountain on the island and saw the city from the lookout points. It was incredible! We then made the terrible mistake of waiting for an hour in the freezing cold on the pier (but with Starbucks, so that helped a tad?)for the famous Hong Kong Light Show. It sucked. Horribly. HUGE LETDOWN! At least the one thing that wasn't so cool was free, so can't complain too much! We then went home, where Caroline could dream happy thoughts of Batman, and how she would never wash her hand ever again....