I landed in Israel at 11am (Israeli time) and am just getting myself unpacked and sorted (and caught up on email.)
The Kibbutz is pretty awesome (photos to come) and it's literally next door to the college. We have a beautiful big pool. The downside is that we have no AC here. In the Negev desert. Go figure. But we have lots of fans! Apparently the room I'm staying in is steel-reinforced concrete (for all those mortars not being aimed at us). Good to know.
I have high speed internet, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room! I even have closet space. My friend has a car so no need to taxi everywhere we go. He also has lined up some interviews for me with apparently very opinionated people. On top of that, the chair of my thesis committee told me I can take my documentary a completely different direction (ie. towards the protests) should that seem to be a more fruitful endeavor. It looks like it very might well be. I've already seen tent cities that have popped up in the desert, and there are signs everywhere of the protests.
This is going to be one hell of an adventure! I am sooooo unbelievably happy to be here and excited for the next two weeks. There are no words. Now, I'm going to take a shower because I've been traveling and sweating for over 24 hours. YUM.
Hasta Luego!