About julie_bien

After I spent most of one evening/day conducting interviews and painting signs at the Sderot tent city...thank goodness for Nescafe and good conversation!
I'm a twenty-something grad student in Mass Communications (aka Journalism). I'm spending my graduate years studying the things that form the identities of young-adult American and Israeli Jews.
So far, the connecting thread is that we all get seriously sick of matzo around Passover, and we know that drinking four cups (rather than four sips) of Manischewitz will end very, very badly.
The prompt on the "World Nomads" site is telling me to write about where I stand. Unfortunately, I'm sitting so I can't comply. Oh, and if you're interested in my political and/or social leanings, feel free to actually read my blog or visit "Moorpark Patch" online and read my articles. I am a paid journalist. I don't just play one online.