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Brent and Judy's Adventures


There are [0] photos and [6] stories tagged with "Adventures".

San Ignacio to Caye Caulker, Belize

BELIZE | Thursday, 14 Feb 2008 | Views [492]

The bus ride from Flores to the border of Guatemala went smoothly. Nice bus, good road and the border crossing went smoothly as well. The last 5 miles before the border was a graded gravel road. But it was pretty smooth. Maybe it was because we were ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


GUATEMALA | Tuesday, 12 Feb 2008 | Views [507]

Finca Ixobel near Poptun is a eco lodge with a very earthy feel. The accomodations are basic but very nice. Bungalows that are on stilts high in the trees are available. Or dorms stile rooms, camping, and some individual rooms in small houses through ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


GUATEMALA | Thursday, 7 Feb 2008 | Views [417]

RioDulce at Lake Izabel is a warm and humid place. Even in February. However,with the lake to swim in it was great. We stayed in a bungalow at La Tortugal. It was a great place with friendly staff and wonderful food. The showers were hot and the view ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Western Highlands of Guatemala

GUATEMALA | Tuesday, 5 Feb 2008 | Views [450]

Ola amigos Antigua has been a good experience and intro into the highlands of Guatemala. After 4 days we moved on to Panajachel on Lago Atitlan. It is a large lake with 3 volcanos on its shores and numerous Mayan villages to visit. The crafts that the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Copan Ruinas,Honduras

HONDURAS | Monday, 28 Jan 2008 | Views [883] | Comments [1]

Ola-We are having a great time in exploring the Mayan ruins of Copan. The Copan valley is very fertile with much agriculture being produced. We have had great meals and accomodations at Hacienda San Lucas. The views of the valley are gorgeous. Today ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

SanPedro Sula, Honduras

HONDURAS | Friday, 25 Jan 2008 | Views [494]

After a long over night flight from JFK we landed early this morning. Our first impressions of this city is that it is a big industrial area with lots of traffic and nice people. We toured the mercado and the museum of anthropology. And ate lunch at an ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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