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Flying for the Gibbons

My Scholarship entry - In The Bokeo Jungle

We came across this farmer and his wife on our way back to the village on our final day. They both hike several hours every day to sell drinks to the ten or so travellers who cross this path. 

While she was selling the drinks, we watched him gather wood, use his knife to take the bark off and make it smooth, then begin to place it together  to fix his gate which had been broken. He worked so effortlessly and quietly, we all sat in silence watching him.

LAOS | Saturday, 15 November 2014 | Views [255] | View Larger Image

We came across this farmer and his wife on our way back to the village on our final day. They both hike several hours every day to sell drinks to the ten or so travellers who cross this path. While she was selling the drinks, we watched him gather wood, use his knife to take the bark off and make it smooth, then begin to place it together to fix his gate which had been broken. He worked so effortlessly and quietly, we all sat in silence watching him.

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