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Jim and Nic go 'round the world in 180 Days

Still raining in Taormina

ITALY | Saturday, 17 October 2009 | Views [701] | Comments [5]

The Greek Theatre of Taormina

The Greek Theatre of Taormina

Friday 16th October


It was a wet and wild night. The storm front hit early this morning and as our hotel is on the edge of the cliff, it felt like we were hit with the full force of the storm. Hail, local flooding – it was all happening.

Nic decided that he didn't need to traipse over another Greek/ Roman theatre so Jim headed off to view this one by himself. (Nic stayed in bed, finished a book.)

The theatre was built in the 3rd century and is the second largest in Sicily. On a clear day you can see through the arches all the way to Mt Etna. Unfortunately today was not a clear day and the rain put paid to any fabulous views. But it was an interesting wander through an impressively well kept ruin. It's still used for performances in Summer.

This afternoon we both headed off to visit the 'town park'... another example of the European Understatement. The town park turned out to be the private garden Miss Florence T. Trevelyan, created at the end of the 19th century and gifted to the town. Nic thinks it's now his favourite garden of the trip. Perched on the edge of the cliff, it is based on an English garden and filled with the most intriguing follies. Again, we love a nutter who has money and leaves such joyousness for the generations that follow.

After the garden we continued to wander the alleys and streets of this beautiful town. Suddenly in the distance we caught a glimpse of Mt Etna's snow capped rim shining though the clouds in a blaze of sunlight. It was short lived, difficult to photograph, but an awesome sight. Finally, the rain seems to have begun to recede and we hope that tomorrow it will be fine for a flight to Rome. Taromina, despite the weather, is truly a beautiful town, perched high on a magnificent part of the Sicilian coast and is a must see for anyone wanting the quintessential Italian experience. If it had been fine and sunny, we just might not have left!



Hi James and Nic,
Taormina sounds wonderful. You are having some fabulous adventures. The volcano trek seemed a little frightening. Two weeks school holidays are over and I am back to school on Monday. 7 weeks until Christmas break - Yeah! Stay safe and well. Miss you both so much. Lots of hugs, Bernadette x

  Bernadette Oct 17, 2009 8:21 AM


Still jealous - but hapy for both of you for your wonderful adventure!

  Jerry Oct 17, 2009 10:23 AM


Hi Bernadette and Jerry

Lovely as always to hear from you. B - sorry the holidays are over, but only 7 weeks till the Christmas break - yeah!!!

Jerry, is it freezing over your way yet? In Rome today and damn it, it's getting cold here too. We need to head to the sun again soon.

Funny adventure on our first day in Roma - will update the blog and tell all. It's called A funny thing happened on the way to the forum. :))

Hey, have you and Steve made any more decisions about your next trip. Don't forget us boys down under.

Much love to you all of you,

J & N xox

  Jim and Nic Oct 18, 2009 2:36 AM


I am beginning to think you are locked in a luxury hotel in Sydney with Photo-shop! It all sounds too wonderful- perhaps you are censoring the rough patches????

  Janet J Oct 19, 2009 9:50 AM


Hi Janet

Well we thought of staying in Sydney and using photoshop but it was too expensive :) No censoring the ruff parts - just the really ruff parts. Last night in Roma and Europe was lots of fun with our friends tomorrow we head to the middle east.

Lots of love

The Boys

  Jim and nic Oct 20, 2009 8:08 AM

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