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The broken Healing Tree

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 11 March 2008 | Views [918]

Hello and happy Tuesday!!

Well, Quito hasn't changed much for the past few weeks. Clouds and rain, that's been about it (there aren't even good storms here, sad, huh??). I guess that's one reason why I like to leave Quito every weekend!!

So this past weekend I took a trip with a couple friends to Otaválo, a little market town north of Quito. Yes, I have been there, but it is such an oh so gorgeous part of Ecuador, and there is so much to do there (I could easily go back another weekend or two and be far from bored), I figured another weekend couldn't hurt. This weekend, unlike our last visit to Otaválo, when our main goal was to shop at the market, we decided to take the more adventurous route. With some help from the owners of the hostel that we stayed at, we planned a day long excursion to the famous Mojanda Lakes about 11 kilometers (6 ½ miles) from our hostel.

We left our hostel around 9 in the morning by horse (my horse was named Pinto). We hired some locals to take us up to the lakes from our hostel (for only $6 an hour, score!) After a 3 or so hour ride, we arrived at the lakes, had a picnic with the bag lunches that our hostel packed for us (how cute, huh?), and, feeling rejuvenated, set off for the summit of the mountain Fuya Fuya, which towers over the four lakes, and from which you can see all of the lakes hiding at the bottoms of the surrounding mountains. The climb took us about two hours, and was pretty tough- it required using the long grass on the way up the mountain as rope (it was kind of muddy). We also got a chance to do some rock climbing at the very top of the mountain when the slope got steeper (it was a bit exhilarating free climbing at the summit of a mountain... although it really wasn't that intense). After we had been standing at what felt like the top of the world for about 5 minutes, the clouds started to roll in around us, and then it decided to start snowing a bit. We figured it would be a good time to start heading down. We weren't sure how climbing down the rocks at the top of Fuya Fuya would go if they were wet... So our hike down took about an hour and a half. It was nice relaxing hike down, we had fun sliding down the mud and not having to stop to catch our breaths every once in a while. After getting to the bottom, we took a snack break, then walked the two and a half hour walk back to our hostel. By the time we got back, it was 6:30. Our legs were happy to have a break.

About 45 minutes later, we decided to go into town to eat and hopefully see a cock fight (I know, brutal, but it's a cultural thing, so why not just one, right?). We ate at this amazing restaurant, tried to go to two cock fights, but ended up missing them both (I'm glad some of you are relieved now). Maybe next time. Or maybe not =S So although we thought we could be tough and want to do something that night after eating, we found that we were very wrong. We pretty much just ended up going back to our hostel to sleep after dinner. We couldn't escape the fact that our bodies needed a break.

On Sunday morning we got up and pretty much couldn't walk. I don't think I've ever been more sore in my life. It was pretty great!! I was also very sunburned, which wasn't so great. Of course I would forget sunblock... So after breakfast at our hostel, we of course went to the market for a bit. We talked to tons of vendors, and Laura even surprised one vendor when she remembered that she had bought something from him about a month ago, and remembered his name. After shopping a bit, we ate lunch, then debated whether or not we had enough energy to walk to “El Lechero,” which is a famous magic tree located on the outskirts of Otavalo known for it's healing powers!! We concluded that we would ask a cab driver to take us there if it cost $5 or less, and then would walk back. To our surprise, the cab driver we waved down agreed to take us to the tree, wait for us for a bit, AND take us back for $5!! We couldn't pass up the offer. The drive up was very beautiful, it would have been a great walk if our legs would have been up for it (we were very glad for the cab though, as the tree was much farther than we thought it was). The tree was situated on a hill with nothing else around it. It was actually very comical... but the views from the tree were wonderful. The town of Otaválo as well as the town of San Pablo and San Pablo Lake were visible from the hill, what a treat!! And it was surrounded by pretty country farmland. I loved it!! The only disappointing thing about our trip to the tree... was that it didn't really heal anything (like my sunburn, which I was hoping for).

After the tree... well, we just went home. We relaxed. And I started cramming for my midterm that I had yesterday!! Hopefully it went well =) And to everyone else who has midterms this week, GOOD LUCK!! And those of you who are done, I envy you...

Well that's it for now, hooray for it warming up up by you all!! Miss you all!!

NEVER stop dreaming ~~

All my love,

Tags: mountains

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