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Dreamland Hey all... this blog contains updates of my stay in beautiful South America :) Que disfruten!


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "mountains".

The broken Healing Tree

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 11 Mar 2008 | Views [917]

Hello and happy Tuesday!! Well, Quito hasn't changed much for the past few weeks. Clouds and rain, that's been about it (there aren't even good storms here, sad, huh??). I guess that's one reason why I like to leave Quito every weekend!! ... Read more >

Tags: mountains

Backpacking = yessssss

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 26 Feb 2008 | Views [658]

Howdy!! Well, what can I say?? Ecuador is continuing to prove its amaziness each week. Unfortunately, it's getting a bit more difficult to enjoy vacationing and exploring, as my work load for school seems to be piling up more and more each ... Read more >

Tags: mountains

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