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Life in Kathmandu

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Streets of Thamel, Kathmandu - It has never ceased to astound me the strength of the human will and I experienced this first hand in Nepal trekking where I had the fortune of being assisted by porters who would sometimes carry baggage double their body weight over difficult terrain. Riding in a rickshaw, speeding through busy Kathmandu streets, by pure luck, I managed to photograph this man who seemed to possess superhuman strength, dwarfed by the giant lounge he was carrying on his back.

NEPAL | Monday, 14 January 2013 | Views [1672] | View Larger Image

Streets of Thamel, Kathmandu - It has never ceased to astound me the strength of the human will and I experienced this first hand in Nepal trekking where I had the fortune of being assisted by porters who would sometimes carry baggage double their body weight over difficult terrain. Riding in a rickshaw, speeding through busy Kathmandu streets, by pure luck, I managed to photograph this man who seemed to possess superhuman strength, dwarfed by the giant lounge he was carrying on his back.

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