I can't believe this Sunday will be my last Sunday working. Since June, I have worked basically every Sunday for 16hrs. It was hard for my body to always be alert since I was 'working' and for my short attention span to keep remembering what I was supposed to do. I am 98% relieved because I have been telling the boss for months to hire someone else so I don't have to be there the whole day. The remaining 2% is slightly nostalgic, slightly in disbelief. I always dreaded waking up Sunday mornings, but it adds a nice bonus to my weekly cash-flow. I usually watch The Nanny for a few hours in the morning while I work as the cashier. I am going to miss that super big screen.
After taking the train twice into the city and after about seven phone calls to my insurance company and these doctor's offices, I finally made an insured appointment. Some of these shots requires three injections months apart. I am not sure how it works. And some of these are just one shot. I won't worry. I will just get what I can and figure it out as I go.
My appointment is Monday, three days before I leave (although ideally I should have gotten these shots a month prior to). One thing I need to work on is to get things done as soon as possible. I have always been a little procrastinator which means I have paid a lot of late fees. And I have never thought of a really good reason to stop. From now on, I need to remind myself that I need to get into the habit of becoming an efficient daily-tasker.
After my appointment, I am going out to eat with a friend and have an early celebration of my 22th birthday. I am getting my boss a money tree as a going away present.
I am going to miss my dog a lot, I already know. And dirty hip hop music - oh Rihanna. Tomorrow is my day off and I am debating going to the shopping mall and getting the remaining list of things. Or...I can do it...wait, is this procrastination or am I just exploring my options?
The pictures are from my train ride - my regular sights of the Hudson River. And the glorious subway.
For Monday,
1) First thing in the morning, I need to fax over my transcript requests.
2) Get on the 8:20 am train so I can be at my 9:30 am doctor's appointment.
3) Enjoy lunch with a friend. Sushi or Steak? Something I won't be able to have in Nepal.
4) Get a Money Tree, maybe some sweaters if I see any.
5) Be back for work at 6:00 pm.
For Tuesday,
1) Work from 8 am until 12 pm.
2) Take the earliest bus to Barnes and Nobles, Target, Wal-Mart (the one that was recently robbed of a million dollars or so) and Old Navy for discounted things and necessities like medication, socks and underwear/bras.
3) Be back to work at 6:00 pm until 11:00 pm.
For Wednesday,
1) Clean, organize, organize, organize!
For Thursday,
1) Keep organizing.
2) Leave house before 7:00 pm, arrive in city at 8:00 pm, three hours until flight should be plenty of time.
Wow. Where did my two weeks go? Seriously? Honestly, I am about to pull my hair out at work. I am bored and tired of it, although I will miss how comfortable it is here and how comfortable my bed is. So it must be time for me.
Am very nervous, however.