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Old Manali

INDIA | Thursday, 11 October 2007 | Views [1621] | Comments [4]

so i landed here in old manali, and went straight for this gust house mentioned in the lonely planet called apple view orchard.  he has a very small two story family-run guest house surrounded by his family-inherited apple trees.  very nic guy. adn there's a swiss girl who's spent 18 months in australia and so has a strange combination accent between german and aussie.. mostly aussie, which makes for interesting conversation for me..

its a bit of a walk to get there from anywhere.. old manali is quite spread out along this one windy uphill road, whereas vashisht was quite concentrated at the top of such a road.  so last night i stayed in and had a productive writing ight, but kept myself up quite late and thus woke up quite late as well.. today i woke up to an idian tourist from delhi also staying at the gust house so we went for lunch into manali earlier.

i'm waiting impatiently for my camera to load and my ipod to charge .. sorry these pictures are mostly scenery as i'm too impatient right now to sort through them.. it seems every time i sit down to use the computer for a long time, i immediately have to pee ;) oh well.. anyhow this indian guy - kevi - keeps rattling off places i should see, but it's impossible to keep track of them all.. but Rahel - the swiss girl - started talking last night about this american fro colorado she'd been travelling with for a while, who's ow in rishikesh and afterwards is going to aurobindo (southeast).. from what she was saying he sounds quite similar to myself: lost in his own head with too much philosophizing,, on a 'spiritual quest' in india.. so she's going to email him and find out where he is and if i can meet up with him when i go to rishikesh (which should be shortly.. either via simla or chandigarh). so we'll see how that works out.. either way i'm going to rishikesh so..

anyhow i'm about finished with the pictures now.. sorry again for the repetitive landscapes.. i'll try to get more better picturs on ;)


Tags: Relaxation



Hi Josh: Just got caught up with your blog as I have been in Atlanta picking up the Magnet award for Stanford Hospital along with 7 othr staff nurses and 8 management folks. Work has been intense since I got back but I had a nice long talk with my boss tht broke through some barriers. I'm losing my computer today util the end of the month - having it rebuilt while I am on pilgrimage in Italy. Also saw dr. carlson tuesday and he asked about you.
you sound like you are having a great adventure. the yoga retreat sounds like a good plan, but I am also glad that you are meeting so many people from different places and sharing thoughts and experiences with them. i am going to try to get back to camaldali, the monastery on the cliffs between monterey and big sur, for another silent retreat. It is so hard to be introspective in the midst of everyday life here. I hope you will take advantage of the chance you have to study eastern practices in their native environment.
I'm curious about languages - are you able to pick up words or phrases in Hindi or Tibetan? I remember that when Dad and I were in Germany, people would translate things for us and the translation wasn't exactly what they had just said in German -- the subtle nuance of the conversation was lost in translation. When the natives are practising their English with you, ask them to reciprocate and teach you some of their language too.
Last night I worked late and Sunil Reddy was covering the oncology team. I asked him if he was raised in India. He said he was born there but raised here and in South America. We talked about different parts of India and the culture there compared with here and in South America. His experience is quite different from Ranjana - the dr. whose parents I told you could help you out in an emergency in Mumbai.
Well - I must go. I only have my computer for another 90 minutes before it is being picked up. Albert said to say hi - he is going to check out your blog.
I miss you --- oh, by the way, I talked to our neighbor and Toons is in jail again. He got stopped for a traffic violation and had knives in the car. He'd been doing OK. Asks about you a lot.

Love you and miss you!!! Will try to find an internet cafe in Italy. Mom

  Mom Oct 12, 2007 11:43 PM


nice little mom-son interaction. in manali try out la purezza. good veg food. have you been to naggar. nice castle, now a heritage hotel.

  travel eye Oct 13, 2007 12:47 AM


Dear Joshie,

I also got caught up on your blog today, though I didn't miss much...except apparently the link to wherever you're sending you pictures to. Maybe I skimmed a section or something. Anyway, things seem to be going well for you and you're meeting so many people. I hope you can meet up with a like-minded lost soul. Also, I do hope that you can talk more about the Dalai Lama when you get back to the States. Very curious. Are you getting the news? Al Gore got the Nobel Peace Prize. Pretty cool. Anyway, I just spend the past hour researching competitions and ways to make money as a singer. Totally drained and overwhelmed! Had a coaching with Marilyn Horne, the famous opera singer, on Friday after a bit of drama which I could explain, but it's a bit boring, and was totally inspired by her. Also, I chipped a tooth--thought you could relate--and have to find a dentist here. Bleh. That's the news from this DC suburb.

Love ya!

  Tua Sorella Oct 14, 2007 10:19 AM


who is travel eye?

hey josh - why no post for October 12th? Missed "hearing" from you.

  Mom Oct 14, 2007 3:25 PM

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