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There are [0] photos and [5] stories tagged with "waterfalls".

Tat Lo - Waterfalls and Cute Kids.

LAOS | Monday, 26 Jan 2009 | Views [1629]

Tat Lo is a small village situated just north of the Bolovean Plateau. It’s known for its tremendous waterfalls and tranquil riverside setting. We only planned one night here, but managed to squeeze in a lot during the short stay. The highlight of our ... Read more >

Tags: hiking, villages, waterfalls

Don Det - Island Hopping Mekong Style

LAOS | Saturday, 24 Jan 2009 | Views [2343]

Don Det is a small river island located at the southern most tip of Laos. This region is called Si Phan Don (4000 Islands) because the Mekong River fans out creating web of intertwining channels and constantly evolving islands. It’s become a popular ... Read more >

Tags: don det, don khon, tat somphamit, waterfalls

Chiang Rai - Life with the hill tribes.

THAILAND | Monday, 29 Dec 2008 | Views [3637] | Comments [1]

Originally we were supposed to spend the week following Christmas volunteering at the Elephant Nature Park (http://www.elephantnaturepark.org). Unfortunately, they were at capacity so we had an extra week to kill in the north of Thailand. Sebastian ... Read more >

Tags: akha, hill tribes, lahu, long neck karen, trekking, waterfalls, yao

Chiang Mai - Trekking time

THAILAND | Friday, 26 Dec 2008 | Views [1097] | Comments [1]

Chiang Mai is a great city. The old part of town is surrounded by a large moat and remnants of an old defense wall. We walked most of it in a day, enjoying different foods, researching our outdoor recreation opportunities, and taking in the sites.... Read more >

Tags: bamboo rafts., chiang mai, elephants, trekking, waterfalls, white karen

Koh Samui & Koh Pha Ngan - Exploring the Gulf

THAILAND | Friday, 12 Dec 2008 | Views [962] | Comments [1]

Hello from sunny and laid back Koh Pha Ngan. Things here in the Gulf of Thailand are starting to pick up after a rough start. Our time on Koh Samui was somewhat spoiled by another stomach bug. This time it was Sebastian doubled-over in pain. He's nearly ... Read more >

Tags: baan tai beach, chaweng beach, haad rin, koh pha ngan, koh samui, lamai beach, stomach bugs, thong sala, waterfalls

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