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Patong - No I don't want a massage, I'm too sunburnt!

THAILAND | Friday, 5 December 2008 | Views [1748] | Comments [1]

Crazy night life in Patong

Crazy night life in Patong

Well so far Patong has lived up to its reputation. The beaches are packed with an older crowd that doesn't believe in exercise or sun screen. All of the older white expats have a young Thai girl hanging off of their arm. The streets are overrun with people pushing taxi rides, massages, "Armani" suits, and more. It's a very agressive place, where even the restaurant owners will follow you for a block trying to sell their menu. After a couple days of fighting off all the advances, I'm ready to return to one of the quieter islands.

Some highlights from our time here:

  • Shopping and a movies in an air-conditioned mall after getting very burnt on the beach. Bad vampire movie filmed in Forks, WA and House Bunny - the worst movie selections ever! 
  • Lighting a good luck lantern at the beach with Sebastian. It almost crashed back into the water. Is that bad luck?
  • 7-eleven humbow! Their only 15 bht and so so tasty. I used to love them as a kid, but could only get them in the international district.
  • Trying to have a big night out only to be trumped by the Royal Family (again!). It's the King's birthday so all bars and clubs were closed last night. We managed to find a few shops still selling beer so we just walked the streets instead. It's a funny place when all of the hookers and bar hostesses don't have anything to do.
  • Patong's gay strip ("Paradise" lol)... Very elaborate street performances where each bar competes to draw in the crowds. The lady-boys are an amazing sight for sure. The costumes are way over the top. Unfortunately, just like straight bars, the young Thai's are hanging all over the white expats. Pretty gross to see.  

We leave for Koh Samui tomorrow morning. Hopefully the sun will follow us. Check out the two new photo galleries (Patong and Koh Phi Phi Diving). :-)

Tags: lady boys, patong, sunburns




Hi Brother!

Sorry you got a sunburn... but I can't feel too bad for you since it is supposed to snow here tomorrow night!

Not much new here. Hope things are good and can't wait to see where your adventure leads to next!

Love, Alena

  Alena Ciecko Dec 12, 2008 12:14 PM



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