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Once Upon an Adventure

My Scholarship entry - Experiencing Eid Al Adha

Morocco | Monday, November 24, 2014 | 5 photos

Photography is a way to share experience and meaningful communication with other cultures where language and customs may be a barrier. I strive to communicate accurate representation of the moment and the experience in my photos. Often photography can be a way for me to communicate with others. I have been interested in photography ever since I was little, but my passion really sparked when I was trekking in Leh, India. There I stayed with homestay families in the mountain as I walked the trail. I could only say about 5 words in the native language. However, with my camera in hand I was able “talk” through my pictures in addition to great miming and dancing with the family I stayed with. It was during this brief period I saw photography for what it can be—as a way to connect with people and share stories.
As someone with very little/to no formal education in photography, I’ve learned how to photograph for the most part through trial and error. The opportunity to travel with Jason Edwards would be immensely helpful in learning how to create better cultural communication through photography and bring my skills to the next level.

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