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Rhinos with Frostbite

BOTSWANA | Wednesday, 5 July 2006 | Views [1072] | Comments [2]

Today we are recovering from a disco competition we organised for 200 odd kids, more dangerous than any herd of buffalo. Our days here are sadly coming to a close. It has been very special to be welcomed into the lives of this big warm family, an experience I shall always treasure. Any form of volunteering  is as rich as you make it and certainly we have been the recipients of  many joyful exchanges.
    SOS day was a lot of fun. The day started at 3 am when the fires were started to cook the slaughtered cow donated by a local chief. Stews were cooked in the houses but the traditional meal was cooked in 5 of those big black 3 legged pots, reminiscent of cartoons about cooking missionaries. Joe of the Jungle was quick to point out that he had never even heard of the Pope , was old and stringy  and that Jane would be much juicier. So dawn found us huddled close to the fires as the men supervised the cooking amidst a lot of good humour.
    After speeches, singing (where Jane joined in the mothers choir, shutting up when she did not know the words ) and traditional dancing, all the children queued for what was a delicious feast.
    We headed off for the rhino sanctuary (close, Erica, to Serowe).Passing 60 odd 4wds heading north we realised that this was the annual South African trek to Bots and indeed the camp sites were full of hardy canvas tents and much merry making. Instead of fearing lions it was so cold that I was more concerned a rhino with frostbite might join me in my sleeping bag. In the morning the water pipes were frozen. It took us a while to locate the rhinos who we thought might have escaped for warmer climes in Europe, but we eventually found them skating on the water hole looking fetching in pink tutus. Real brass monkey weather, worrying for the breeding program.
    Our rhino trekking unfortunately led us into a camp of fierce beer swilling Africaans men; the leopard skin leotard went down well as you can imagine.
    Joe has been setting up the car so we don' t have to sleep in the little tent if there are lions around. I have not thought yet of how to pee in the night. Wilbur Smiths characters did not seem to find such things a problem. Your intrepid explorers keep hearing stories about lions surrounding cars and elephants tipping them up. One has visions of the elephants, "Another bloody Landrover Nellie, cant stand the colour, just be a dear and go and sit on it." "Jumbo, you know I only do the Toyotas, they don't scratch my rump"
    So we head off for 6 weeks travelling. Hopefully a couple of weeks in Botswana then into Zambia and Malawi. Bots has gold plated animals and costs a fortune.
 It has been wonderful to get comments and e mails and keep in touch with you all.

Our love to you .


Tags: Adventures



WEll, what does one say...I'm not sure what we find most intriging - the elephants boycotting the landrover, rhinos in pink tutus or the image of Jane OTJ pondering where and how to pee! However, I think Jo OTJ in his leopard skin leotard surrounded by the fierce beerie blokes who were probably licking their lips at the thought of his newly acquired knitting skills takes the cake! You were lucky, Jo, that they allowed you to leave...you could have been knitting leopard skin leotard replicas for all of them! John would like to book the leotard on it's return as he loves lycra, however, he would like to know in advance if it has a high cut leg line? Certain beautification proceedures and rearrangements may be necessary if it is!

Enjoy your touring of the countryside. We anxiously await the next exciting installment of J & J OTJ

Love John Jackie and co

Recommendation: Jane - have a large boot beside your bed at all times. Boots are wonderful when caught short - I know from experience!!!

  jackie cann Jul 14, 2006 12:59 PM


Hi jane and joe, you jungle guys you.
How amazing to read your adventures in and impressions of a land so far away from the day to day of Bangalow!!!!
The sunsets, the colours, the animals and the camping. The children, the SOS home, the vibrancy and the reality of HIV. Thanks so much for the stories and the vicarious experience.
Whatever you do have a wonderful time for what is left in Africa and DON'T get eaten or even slightly squashed. 'Take Care' takes on a new meaning!!
Lots of love, jane and bobby and boys.

  Jane abd Bobby Jul 20, 2006 7:10 PM

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