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Knitting in the Jungle

BOTSWANA | Saturday, 24 June 2006 | Views [959] | Comments [4]

            Joe of the Jungle has been mistakenly elected to be male representative on the Village knitting team, to enter a sponsored  knit run by the local womens institute (CWA), in aid of SOS Village. Concerned for his macho image, and grumbling that this is not what he came to learn in Africa, he has refused to wear his CWA Christmas party outfit because we left the hat at home. So he is out there practicing, (many rude words) wearing his leopard skin leotard and knitting with 2 spears. Sponsorship for this event raising money for outdoor sports equipment is very welcome, a dollar per stitch should set you back by about 50 cents.

            The village is abuzz this week getting ready for SOS day, when all the local chiefs and bigwigs come to visit. So there have been choirs practicing, traditional dancers dancing and a lot of cleaning. I was elected to babysit while the mothers went shopping. Very tempted to put valium into 12 toddlers orange juice but we all had fun and I retired exhausted when the mothers returned 4 hours later. There is one little chap who has not yet turned 2 but is a real Ronaldino with a soccer ball. We have bushman triplets here who are always laughing. Tonight a slaughtered cow will arrive and the whole village will be set cooking.

            We watched Australia play Brazil in the one house where the mother has a telly, along with 12 children and other visitors. The kids were great at singing Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie oy oy oy but still cheered wildly when Brazil scored.

            In 2 weeks we head off travelling and will say Goodbye to SOS. While we have only made a small contribution in the life of the village it has been an uplifting experience. My father loved Africa and spent 40 years here, never really recovering from leaving. His love was not for flora and fauna, he really loved Africans.  Being here with the children and all those who work here has been wonderful. Everyone from the Director to the grounds men find the time not only to do their own work but to have a few moments with the kids. Alright, the pace is different and one of my lessons certainly has been to let go the need to achieve, valuing my own worth in terms of things done. So it has been good just being.

            This weekend after SOS celebrations we are off to the Rhino sanctuary with our trusty tent.”Why the Rhino Stamps his Feet?”…………….


Thankyou for your comments, it is lovely having you here in spirit and of course would be even better if you visited.

Tags: Adventures



Great to hear of all your adventures, missing you both, Amanda and Gerard

  Amanda Jun 26, 2006 3:07 PM


Dear Jane and Jo,

We are so enjoying reading your web page - it really is very funny!! I can just visualise you both!! I hope the rhino's stay out of your tent!! Lots of love from us both (nothing remotely out of the ordinary happening here!!) Rowena and Tony

  Rowena Parkes Jun 27, 2006 2:57 PM


Sorry for taking so long to reply but our computer died and Emily has taken her new laptop to live with her in Kingscliff! Your jungle adventures sound amazing and we feel we're there with you as the hippo's attack!! We hope your continued journey brngs you plenty of laughter, love and surprises. We can't wait to read the next instalment of "Jo and Jane of the jungle."

Missing you, Lots of love Margaret and Berkeley.

  margaret wiles Jun 30, 2006 12:01 AM


Hi Jane and Jo,
your web site is wonderful! Sounds like you are having an exciting and rewarding adventure! I have sent the web site to Zac who has asked about your travels. We have had much joy reading out your stories! All the same here in Byron Bay, with us just planning our next travel- unfortunaley not like yours though! We are have booked to go to Boston then onto Peru for a while.
Love to you both,

  Jane and Jo Barker Jul 17, 2006 4:14 PM

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