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Losing Our Way Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day I can hear her breathing. --------------------------------------------------------- Arundhati Roy (Indian author, advocate, activist)

Center of Unity Schweibenalp, Switzerland - Retreat center for all spiritual traditions

Ive walks in the woods back to Schweibenalp

SWITZERLAND | Wednesday, 20 May 2009 | Views [579] | Comments [1]

Ive walks in the woods back to Schweibenalp



Ivan - remember 'Christa' from the InterSpiritual online course? I've finally found your blog and the essay you had copied for me. I'm so pleased that it is publicly written which means that I can bring it to my 'One by One' reunion in Concord Mass. As we move towards Holocaust Remembrance Day, your writings are especially meaningful to refocusing my own thoughts.

Nice to have found you in this Adventure Journal and finding out that you are an avid hiker, as am I. My husband and I lead Study/Hiking tours with a Rabbi . This year we will be in Chamonix.

I'll stay tuned to your travels. ~Christa

  goslowly Apr 6, 2010 9:17 PM

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