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Losing Our Way Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day I can hear her breathing. --------------------------------------------------------- Arundhati Roy (Indian author, advocate, activist)

Losing Our Way (Mi & Ive)

VIETNAM | Saturday, 10 Apr 2010 | Views [1559] | Comments [2]

April 5-10, 2010. Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam. So this is where it all ends. On beaches of powder the color of gingerbread dough, and warm, transparent waters - the turquoise of the Gulf of Thailand. Five days: wake late, beachfront breakfast, snorkel, ... Read more >

Photos: VIETNAM: Hanoi; Halong Bay; Ninh Binh, Hoi An; Saigon; Tay Ninh; Ben Tre; Can Tho; Phu Quoc Island.

VIETNAM | Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: LAOS: Si Phan Don; Pakse; Vientiane; Luang Prabang; Nong Khiaw; Muang Ngoi; Muang Sing

LAOS | Wednesday, 17 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: VOLUNTEER SIEM REAP: The Global Child, school for disadvantaged youth

CAMBODIA | Friday, 12 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Cambodia: Some stories just can't be digested (ive)

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 23 Jan 2010 | Views [2786]

I vaguely remember hearing reports about Cambodian Boat People on Good Morning, America during my childhood in the 1970s – and from my mother about how these children were increasingly appearing in her first-grade classroom in Brooklyn. And, ... Read more >

Photos: CAMBODIA: Siem Reap; Phnom Penh; Battambang; Kratie.

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 10 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: S INDIA: Shantivanam Ashram; Trichy; Kumily; Amritapuri Ashram; Kollam; Varkala; Kottayam

INDIA | Tuesday, 22 Dec 2009 | Photo Gallery

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no porter, no guide (mi)

NEPAL | Sunday, 29 Nov 2009 | Views [2250]

no porter, no guide in october, nepal trekking season begins. the height of it collapses in late november, so within just the two months i imagine that thousands of tourists filter through Kathmandu's international airport.... Read more >

Kathmandu and its strange, bewildering time (ive)

NEPAL | Sunday, 22 Nov 2009 | Views [2867] | Comments [3]

I have wanted to visit Nepal for a very long time. It started when I was in high school and college, learning about and becoming inspired by the simultaneous social justice and spiritual movements of the 1960s. (This is why I always proudly declare ... Read more >

Gallery: NEPAL: Kathmandu, Patan, Bhaktapur, Nagarkot, Pokhara, Kali Gandaki Trek, Kathmandu

NEPAL | Sunday, 22 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Searching for India's Sacred Heart (ive)

INDIA | Tuesday, 27 Oct 2009 | Views [3804] | Comments [4]

We've been out of blog touch for a while, we know -- but this quickly thrown together, yet astoundingly comprehensive (would you expect any less from us???) account of our weeks exploring India will detail why much time for documenting has ... Read more >

Learning to live, Ladakhi style (ive)

INDIA | Monday, 14 Sep 2009 | Views [6104] | Comments [7]

Miral was in Kolkata during August, swimming in a true underbelly of humanity. While there, she also saw the deep personal transformation that can emerge from engaging such dire circumstances. As some spiritualists remind us, the beautiful lotus flower ... Read more >

Gallery: N INDIA: Delhi; Dharamsala; Amritsar; Haridwar; Rishikesh; Agra; Varanasi; Bodhgaya

INDIA | Tuesday, 8 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: VOLUNTEER KOLKATA (Calcutta): L'Arche and the Missionaries of Charity (mi)

INDIA | Monday, 31 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Kolkata (Calcutta) – Encounters with l’Arche & the Missionaries of Charity (mi)

INDIA | Sunday, 30 Aug 2009 | Views [5293] | Comments [1]

I’ve journaled a lot this month, trying to express whatever comes to mind or heart, trying to make sense of this city, which one person described to me today as “a beggars' heaven” the destitute so fill its every hole - trying to figure out why I felt ... Read more >

Gallery: VOLUNTEER LADAKH: Learning from Ladakh Program, Homestay and Harvest Help (Ive)

INDIA | Thursday, 13 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Modern Maasai (ive...and a bit of mi!)

KENYA | Friday, 31 Jul 2009 | Views [5527] | Comments [2]

Maybe the biggest problem with traveling to thirteen countries in fourteen months is that things happen so fast and furiously that you sometimes barely get a moment to get any of it down on paper. Since we left the KAASO school in Uganda, we spent a ... Read more >

Gallery: KENYA: Rombo (Maasai Community)

KENYA | Friday, 24 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Join The Global Village (Mi & Ive)

UGANDA | Sunday, 19 Jul 2009 | Views [1928] | Comments [1]

Our time at St. Paul KAASO School in Kabira, Uganda has come to an end. We have left behind our co-volunteers and new friends from New Zealand who will continue to offer their time and energy for many months to come. We left behind 600 beautiful, bright ... Read more >

weekends away (mi)

UGANDA | Saturday, 11 Jul 2009 | Views [2470] | Comments [2]

during our time at volunteering engagements, ivan and i usually get a long weekend or two to travel to visit other parts of the countries we've been in.  while at St. Paul's, we took two - one to whitewater raft, and the other to visit a national wildlife ... Read more >

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