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Trip: Swimming in mud

There are [8] stories from my trip: Swimming in mud

Bendy Babaji!

INDIA | Monday, 7 Jul 2008 | Views [529]

I suppose it's time to write one of these things, but I'm getting an inferiority complex and feel like I bore people with what I write, I know oyu'd all rather see pictures but it's a nightmare getting pictures uploaded on really old slow asian computers.... Read more >

Gallery: Yogatastic

INDIA | Monday, 9 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Breathing In, Breathing Out

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 14 May 2008 | Views [698]

You are the change you want to see in the world (M. Gandhi) Being on retreat with Ven. Master Thich Naht Hanh always puts a sock in my mouth, I never know how to put in words the work I do on retreat, the meditation and practice, the suffering and the ... Read more >

Help me I'm a big green alien

VIETNAM | Saturday, 3 May 2008 | Views [573]

SO i get to hanoi airport, the driver that's supposed to pick me up never shows, i pass an english-looking fat guy who looks as though he's tripping on crystal meth with his fly undone while a bunch of 12 yr old looking guys are trying to get me onto ... Read more >

Gallery: Dim Sum and then some

HONG KONG | Friday, 2 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

Me in Hong kong
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Dim Sum and then some - Hong Kong

HONG KONG | Thursday, 1 May 2008 | Views [488]

Thanks to Lawman (old flat-mate from goldsmiths & the best tour guide/and artist of no form only concept), Crystal(the tour guides girlfriend), Chien-Wei (old flat-mate from goldsmiths) and Chin (chien-wei's old classmate) for an awesome, awesome ... Read more >

24th April 08

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 24 Apr 2008 | Views [429]

Pancakes Chez Gomm: Super-Thanks to Karen, Gommy, Alice and Becky for putting me up in their humble abode for a few days. It was great to see Lora and J before I went too. Gommy made me pancakes one morning like a real gent so check out the pictures. 

Honouring charities before I leave

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 4 Apr 2008 | Views [460]

Money has gone to the following charities to pay gratitude for the privilege of traveling and freedom: WaterAid, the Rape and Sexual Violence Project, Birmingham UK and the Children's Safe Home Project in Rajbari, Bangladesh.