Whew! What a week, indeed! Last week was a test of my patience and perseverance. There was an unusual amount of oddities at work which led to little time for decompressing outside of work. BUT, I got through it and am enjoying the second of my two days off.
P and I went to his house and made his infamous tacos for a quiet superbowl party. They (the tacos) always hit the spot! It felt good to kick back and do nothing for an entire evening. My favorite commercial of the night was the dog races followed by the Doritos commercial here the dog bribes the man. Also, the halftime show was my favorite in years.
My lease is almost up with my current property management company and I was met with a friendly letter on my door saying that if I want to resign with them, my rent is going to increase by 12%. It´s a pretty penny of an increase, especially looking at the total increase over a year. Of course, for convenience sake, I would love to stay right where I am but cost in this case is certainly taking priority. I spoke with the property manager and she did not seem to understand my concern about a 12% increase which was troubling. After some negociating, she said she would check if she could lower the resigning price by $20/mo. So now I am faced with a decision to take the 12% hike and stay, move to a notably larger apartment for the same price, or move somewhere a bit smaller (yikes!) and save money. Decisions, decisions!
I am still waiting to hear back on the finance job. I had no idea the hiring process could take this long for an entry level position. Hopefully it is taking this long because they are trying to swing the ball in my favor. And hopefully that´s not just wishful thinking!
Recently, I found out that my Uncle R (on my dad´s side) is having difficulties with his health. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for the next few months.
N is having a blast in his travels. He is on his way to Thailand in about a day to visit the exchange student we hosted years ago. He is loving his travels and seeing so much of the world! He tells me that he is getting anxious to get settled in Australia and start the semester. I remember the feeling of enjoying traveling but looking forward to having a "home" and feel settled for a bit.
On a completely random note: Is there some message I am missing when a man winks at me? I have noticed lately that when a man is being provacative towards me (customer irate over nothing at work and threatening to complain about me until I am fired or the man at the deli who skips over my number after waiting 15 minutes then calls me "princess" and tells me to get at the end of the line) he will wink at me, as if it is some magical bandaid that will leave me in such awe of him and his winking abilities that I will completely forget about the transgression while batting my eyes at him. The "transgressions" are really small potato kinds of situations that don´t phase me but the winking! The wink gets my goat every time. What is the deal with that?
I have a massive amount of papers that are building up and cannot simply throw out, so, I bought myself a shredder today. I am going to go shred lots of papers and cook homemade chicken and wild rice soup.
Until next time!