Bands night , they say is the best night of the year. Basically different bands from all over come parade through the town , then alternate at various places Round the town. There were 7 bands from a very good ska band, to a mick jagger impersonator who sang through a mega phone! Most of the bands had a sousaphone , one had a double base. Weird hearing dancing queen by abba played on guitar sousaphone and drums.! And even though there was catalan music not one national anthem. Aftrr a couple of circuits the bands then retired to the square and the fair, till the small hours....thoroughly entertainig.. Earlier this week I made it to Carcassone lovely town with its castle canal and mini london eye.much smaller than I'd thought it would be.The trip there was very interesting, but so long...the penance for being a cheap skate. 2 hours to perpignan, an hours wait then off to st paul de fenoullet, stopped there for an hour rather than wait 2 hours in perpignan. ? Makes there own unique biscuits, and of course can only be sold there, but as it was lunch time all shops..not many there..were shut. Then another hour on the but to Quillan bit more of a happening place and back to the gorges, strange one sided tunnels where the rock has only been cut back enough for traffic to go through. Another bus for 30 mins to Limoux and finally train to Carcassone which lies on an open plain like Perpignan but instead of fruit trees and vines it was sunflowersand wheat. Return journey was bus all the way carcassone to Quillan hour wait, bus to Perpignan and then ever so lucky fairy godmother was in town and I got a lift back saving a 2 hour wait and 2 hour bus journey.It might have only cost6 € return but a car would have been so much easier!