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Iain and Jo

Yabba Dabba Doo

CHILE | Wednesday, 6 May 2009 | Views [1110] | Comments [2]

We’re now in San Pedro, a funny little tourist town in the middle of the desert (apparently the driest in the world – they got 9mm last year, so suck it up Melbourne) that looks straight out of the Flintstones. The town isn’t really the main attraction though, it’s the stuff you can do around it. Yesterday we went out to the “Valley of the Moon” – which was just incredible. Massive moon-like craters, enormous sand dunes and just desert basically. It was really out of this world, and a welcome change to the cities that we have been to in the past 2 weeks. Today we got up at 4am to go out to the El Tatio Geysers – cracks in the desert with boiling hot water shooting out of them..... it was minus 12 degrees, so getting scalded was almost tempting. As it was, I think we were both wearing every item of clothing we have. Iain was brave enough to strip down and jump in the hot springs, but it was just too cold for me! Tonight we’re going out to an observatory to check out the night sky. The stars are incredible here because there are no city lights to get in the way.

This might be our last blog for a little while because we set off on a 3-day jeep tour to Uyuni in Bolivia tomorrow, via the salt flats. Again we have some freezing nights to look forward to, and an extremely bumpy ride, but should be fun.

Tags: chile, san pedro




Reminds me of the Badlands in Canada. Any Dynasours ?
Glad you are having a great time. Stay safe Love Mum

  Jenny May 11, 2009 2:36 PM


Hi Guys,
You have some awesome photos so far, keep them coming. I hope you survived your trip across the salt flats and more cold nights!
We just came back from three weeks of 30 degree temperatures... Saw some awesome scenery and wildlife across the kimberley, lightning storm over Uluru, and had some great seafood in Broome. Back to work for us now...

Thinking of you guys, stay safe,
love bec and phil

  Bec and Phil May 11, 2009 8:57 PM



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