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Whispering tales of Magic

Back on the Boats

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 22 May 2012 | Views [694]

After one at week at home I am back on the boats, and its bloody freezing!!! Early April has been wet, windy, cold and cold, and did I say cold? This is not how I remember boating! It’s suppose to be glorious sunshine, open doors and windows, shorts and tee-shirts, cups of tea on the roof, instead I am wearing everything I own, including a ski jacket, desperately trying to keep the fire lit and hoping we have enough fuel to keep the Eberspacher running.

Now, the fact that it is wet is actually good, there have been concerns that there may be closures on the canals because the dry spell last year and this winter mean the reservoirs are very low, but I wish it would rain at night while we are tucked up in bed all cosy, not while trying to complete flights of locks during the day.

There was one very depressing newspaper that reckons this will be the coldest May on record- ever! So all those lovely white linen trousers and floaty summer dresses I packed optimistically have been relegated to the back of the cupboard and I have raided charity shops for more jumpers. Primark in Worcester was good as well, they had lots of woolly tights on sale, some were peculiar colours, but I figured under six layers of clothes, no-one would know.

So far we have cruised from Warwick to Warwick, up through Birmingham, Warwick to Worcester, Worcester to Worcester and Worcester to Nantwich. Except we didn’t go to Worcester as often as we should have, but more of that later.

So enough about the weather, what about this year’s crew I hear you ask. Well Debbie is from Bristol area, she is 25, tall, blond and keen to learn to boat. Brigitta is 27, from Hungary, small and blond and was a hairdresser in a previous life. If you didn’t know this before, one look in her bathroom cabinet would give you inkling. I have never seen so much shampoo! We have challenged her that she will not use it all before the end of season.

Debbie has hiking/camping experience and is used to wearing sensible shoes, warm clothes and waterproofs when needed, Brigitta comes from Budapest and is a city girl through and through. We had to take her shopping for warm clothes, and after turning up her nose at an angora jumper for £2.50 (Oxfam in Stourport) because it had a small hole in it, I took her to one side and explained that it didn’t matter because no-one would see it and she would not find anything warmer, so begrudgingly she bought it, and has worn it every day since! Apparently, I am like her mum she says, because I keep looking after her, hummmmm not too sure about that.

Our youngest crew member is Alex. He has just turned one, has eight teeth, can crawl at lightening speeds, loves sausages and has the cheekiest, cutest smile. Hanna said he would be safe crawling in the lounge because the steps were too deep for him to climb. He proved her wrong in about 10 minutes and all of sudden life became very complicated. His favourite mischief is to crawl to the kitchen and pull all the flour and sugar jars from the shelf, we are now very careful about making sure the lids are on tightly.

For all those of you who have been doing rain dances on our behalf, you can stop now! We had official word from the British Waterways guys that the reservoirs are now fuller than they were this time last year, and there is more rain forcast. The river Severn is in flood and we cannot cruise to Worcester at the end of the Worcester ring and are having to spend the turnaround in Stourport.  It seems to be all or nothing.

We are getting set to leave Stourport and have some American guests, Chuck and Suzanne, on board, who cruised with me and Lauren two summers ago. It’s good to see familiar faces and great to catch up with people. So far this season we have seen a lot of returning guests and met some new ones as well.

Thats the news for now, I will try and write more sooner rather that later, take care xxxxx



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