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Ranch Life Adventures

No Farms No Food!!

USA | Thursday, 12 November 2009 | Views [515]

Wow, time has just flown by! I can't believe it’s already been about 2 weeks since my last post.... well in a very short overview, we had Halloween, I carved my first pumpkin, and we started at a new Farmers market in Bryan. That was a fun market, near all of the vendors dressed up in costume, and they had lollies out for kids who came trick-or-treating through the morning. Not only that but for our first time there we made some really good sales. So here’s hoping that even though we'll be going just once a month the sales stay up. 

On the 3rd of November Ralph left for Australia, leaving Sara and I to hold down the home front. And I’d have to say - I think we're doing a pretty good job. :) thanks to moving the cattle onto the hay paddock thus removing the need to be feeding out bales and alfalfa daily.... even still between markets, bookwork, meetings and the boys we've kept our days busy. 

This last Sunday was a wonderful day. Church was, well it wasn't what I thought it would be, which was a bit sad that they didn't preach love, it was vastly different to the preaching I’ve grown up with. But all said and done it was the gateway to a lengthy D&M with Sara, over mmm a divine lunch of a cheese and veg platter. Sooo good :) Followed up by an equally wonderful spaghetti Bolognese (a joint effort).  And really the elegant meals have continued through the week. 

I think the recipe to an elegant meal is:

1. Good company


3. Little touches in the presentation. 

It doesn't take much to take the ordinary into the extraordinary......

Like tonight’s hamburgers - our own meat, tomatoes and green beans. It tasted so good, because it’s natural, and additive free, and fresh! There’s nothing like spending the evening picking your own veggies then eating them that same night. The biggest point of difference though was eating out on the porch. We set up the card table with some candles and ate by the fire that cooked our food. Simplicity. I beginning to see how in the city we (I) can make the simplest things quite complicated.....

The longer I stay here, the more and more I’m inclined to ditch the city entirely. Move out to the country and live a differently busy life. I’m yet to figure a way that doesn’t involve me driving regularly back and forth to the nearest city to buy fabrics/sell to boutiques….. I could try internet based….. J

With all the work that’s done here (noticeably more then I do back home) this really is the simpler life. Especially in terms to the food we eat. I’ve switched sides. No longer do I want to buy whatever’s cheapest. The taste of naturally raised (near organic) foods is so much higher then the bulk of supermarket foods. Not to mention the health benefits, or the satisfaction of going into the garden after a stressful day and finding a treasure trove of ripe tomatoes ready for dinner! To spend an hour unwinding in nature and then to feast on the harvest! It’s beyond compare to just buying some meat and veg at the store.

The work is its own reward, and I can’t think of a better reward at the end of the day.

I implore you all to go and search for a local market in your area. Join the community as you go each week and support your farmers. You make the difference to the day as you go and chat about anything – the weather, the food, your respective families, hobbies. Though the vendors would love you to buy their produce, feel free to chat even if you’re unable to buy anything that week. Just make sure you go.

Local produce thrives on community.


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