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The Road Less Travelled By

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

United Kingdom | Tuesday, January 15, 2013 | 5 photos

Wanderlust: One word that can describe the phenomenon that guides the course of my life, and the lives that are augmented because of my existence. Since I left my home town at the age of 19 I have an insatiable itch that has consumed my soul and driven my to move nineteen times in the past eight years. Photography is an outlet to keep my experiences alive and is a huge passion of mine. Nature is my calling in photography and in life in general; the beauty, the magic of the universe, the mystery of it. My name is Marjorie Rempel. I'm a 27 year full time domestic engineer and mother of two amazing children.Taking pictures is part of living for me and to be able to take pictures to make a living would be fulfilling a long-time dream and goal. I have always wanted to get my pictures out for the world to see but have never known the means to do so. The business of photography outside of the portrait photography spectrum is a challenging industry to breech.

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