Blogging can become very tedious on a hot sunny day. I find myself constantly distracted from the task at hand and have decided today it would be alot easier to take photos instead. Obiovously I'm not gonna post all of my photos but here's a few that hopefully will give you an insight into my world.
I got the dorm to myself last night and had such a peaceful sleep. This was magnified by the fact that we visited six beaches yesterday and went sand-boarding. OK, I didn't because all I wanted to do was have my daily nap on my favourite beanbag. The beaches were beautiful and I enjoyed visiting the south of the island. Other than cruising the beaches I've been eating so much seafood lately I'm loving it. Maybe a bit too much, my bikini bottoms are getting tighter by the day (roll on Canada. Can't wait to cover up a bit). You'll see from the picturesthat the seafood drought is finally over for me.
Now I am on a mission to book tickets from Rio to Lima or La Paz. Wish me luck and pray that it doesn't cost me an arm or a kidney!