Hi all!
We haven't had any internet access again so I am going to give you a quick update now.
Today we were camped on a beach and we collected lots of shells and we did lots of swimming. The water was cystal clear and not too cold. Yesterday we went to the Whalesong Cafe. There were 4 kids working at the cafe with their mum. The waitress was a girl, 8 years old and her name was Oseanna which means the ocean. I was reading my book and they came over and said they had the movie of my book which was Eragon! That night we had a really bright full moon but then there was a lunar eclipse. The eclipse went half way and then went back again. We thought we were going to get washed away by a king tide but we didn't even though the tide was very high.
Last week we went to a creek which was underground in a cave. We had to take head torches and we had to wade through water which was shoulder height sometimes and in the pitch black. We saw stalagmites and stalectites and we saw some bats hanging upside down. They screeched when we shone out torches on them. We accidentally went the wrong way and ended up in a mud hole. We nearly lots our shoes and it was still pitch black!!!
We have a few weeks left of our holidays so we will be seeing you all again soon.
Bye for now,
PS I hope I will have more internet connection to write on this blog again soon.