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'Cos we're leaving on a jet plane ASIA ... ready or not, here we COME!

Halong Bay and Cat Ba Island

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 15 January 2008 | Views [1619] | Comments [3]

Our last night in Hanoi, prior to leaving for Halong Bay, we had a brush with the so called paranormal!!!!

Picture this... Felix and I settled in early, as we were due to depart from the hotel early the next morning. The hotel was a little sketchy... but we pretty much have gotten used to living with basic accomodations, and just figured that it was just for one night. It was a large room with 12 foot ceilings, no windows and very old fashioned rosewood furniture at the very back of the hotel, on the 1st floor. We were getting ready for bed, and I decided to do some reading to help myself fall asleep. I was just getting ready to sleep when... I turned around and found a piece of paper on the bed. I thought it was a little odd... but picked it up and turned it around and saw that it was an old fashioned black and white portrait of an asian girl with long hair. I was scared to even look at it properly.... and showed it to Felix.  It was sooo creepy... at around midnight to find this little pic! I immediately slipped it into the bedside drawer and tried to think”Happy Thoughts!”

I literally had goosebumps... and said to Felix I was scared this picture would show her ghostly image that night! You know me... I am the biggest chicken! Felix tried to come up with a logical conclusion, ie. Maybe the pic fell out of the book I borrowed from my mom... and was her friend. He even had the gall to suggest that “Maybe... I should keep the picture... and bring it home and show my mom, and ask if she knew the person posed in the pic!” To which I said... “No FRIGGIN way... what happens if the spirit of this girl follows us all the way home!” Thankfully, I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary that evening... but I kept my eyes shut all night! PS Mom.. did you stick a picture of your friend in one of your Danielle Steele books?? Please say YES ... please say YES!!!

The next day we took a three hour bus ride to Halong City to board the boat that would be our sleeping quarters for the next night. It was a gorgeous day, and Felix and I settled at the top of the boat on the recliners to soak in the view of the mountains.... I commented to Felix that they looked so similar to the mountains in Guilin except in Halong Bay, the mountains were set in the sea, vs the land, and Li River. We later on found that from Guilin to Halong Bay, it was just a 4 hour car ride....  figures! We explored the amazing caverns... and it’s just mind boggling how huge these caves are!

That evening... it was PARTY CENTRAL on our boat! The crew found out it was our honeymoon and set up a special event, and we were the guest of honour! We celebrated with two famlies from Oz and our new friends Earl and Sam from San Francisco, and Jacque from Quebec! The crew treated Felix and I to a beautiful cake and 3 bottles of red wine! The condition was that we had to sing Karoke, and the song the guide Duke, selected was... by our most famous Canadian.... Avril Lavigne... Skater Boi! Can you imagine Felix and I...needless to say it was a sorry attempt.... but very fun! I have to say .. the Vietnamese LOVE their karoke... and when everyone shyed away from the mike... Duke performed non stop!

We slept peacefully on the boat that night... to the gentle rocking of the waves.

Early the next morning... we tried our hand at sea kayaking around the mountains... and it was surreal! We kayaked through grottos and into these lagoons.... 100% recommended!

Our guide then brought us for an island mountain trek, where the official population is TWO! A one eyed  war veteran and his wife. They maintain this island, cultivate crops, harvest fish as well has tender to their chickens. Such an idyllic life!! They treated us to a hot cup of tea and some tangerines that they had just picked from the tree.

That evening, we stayed in the BEST hotel thus far on this leg of the trip... and most likely ever WILL see.... going fwd! It was  on Cat Ba island, secluded, ocean view room with a king sized bed... HBO and Qtips!!!! (I never realized how much I took the small comforts for granted!)

Here's a little video we took while on the boat:


Holy mackinal! I didn’t think we’d be so good about writing... hope you guys are enjoying our adventures with your morning coffee and crossant! =)

Tags: Adventures



The pic you found is my friend Linda from san fan. Its not a goast. hahahahahahahaha

  panny Sin Jan 17, 2008 1:33 PM



  AA Jan 18, 2008 6:19 AM


HAHAHAHAHAH...that's hilarious! It would have totally freaked me out...you know me, i'm a chicken too!
Thank goodness your mom confirmed it's her picture. Whew!

  Jaime Feb 19, 2008 2:15 PM



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