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Day 11 NZ: Whales, Walls and Water Slides

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 19 Apr 2017 | Views [493]

Whale watching day! Perfect conditions for our hunt and in the end we saw a Sperm whale, Fur seals and Humpbacks. Very impressive, even what looked like a home made sonar devise to pickup the whale calls...But we found em and there was breaching involved! ... Read more >

Day 10 NZ: Spring Driving

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 18 Apr 2017 | Views [533]

The loooong ass drive begins. SH1 closed due to earthquake repair so it's changed the route from 2 hours - 7 hours. But it's ok, our unofficial hitch hiker Sean 2 is going us for the ride to Christchurch. On our way we stopped off at picturesque Lake ... Read more >

Day 9 NZ: Ferry Good

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 17 Apr 2017 | Views [442]

Up at 4:45, to get on the Interislander across to Picton on the South island. Good memories of Norway and the fjords. Quick stop in town then wine country, stopping at Moa brewery to cider, then Sean met us at Cloudy Bay. Sooooo nice just sitting in ... Read more >

Day 8 NZ: Dwellington

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 16 Apr 2017 | Views [319]

Big sleep in. More rain but headed to Mt Victoria to have a soggy squizz at the view over Wellington. Then discovery for the rest of the day... Around the airport, cool houses all along the coast. Enjoyed a mighty fine cook up and gave us the chance ... Read more >

Day 7 NZ: Walking a cat

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 15 Apr 2017 | Views [419]

Huka Falls - Amazeballs! The amount of water pumping through the skinny gorge could fill an olympic-sized swimming pool in just 11 seconds. Insane. I'll need to research geothermal electricity because it sounds really interesting...the river generates ... Read more >

Day 6 NZ: Thermo panic

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 14 Apr 2017 | Views [446]

Slow start to the day. Walked to the Maori Cultural Centre to check the geothermal activity and a traditional Maori performance. The HaKa is more impressive when you have those tongues and bulging eyes right in front of you. Explored the village but ... Read more >

Day 5 NZ: Hobbit Worms

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 13 Apr 2017 | Views [417]

We were sad to leave our backpackers on the beach...but the ocean was a mess, the weather was deteriorating and the cyclone was due to hit our location at 2pm that day. Drove South for a few hours with radio warnings on repeat and hoped for the best.... Read more >

Day 4 NZ: Cyclone Falls

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 12 Apr 2017 | Views [395]

Up and out: Shell checked out the Waitangi Treaty site while I walked the Haruru Falls trail. It BUCKETED down the whole way...so the falls were pumping, plus the trail included an Indiana Jones bridge and boardwalk through the mangroves, feeling like ... Read more >

Day 3 NZ: Lords and Ladies

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 11 Apr 2017 | Views [356]

Drove about 3 hours north of Auckland. On the way stopping at Wellsford for Wazza's coffee (Shell almost fell backwards over something in front of a truck) and then through Kauri Forest to see the lords of the jungle (world's largest Kauri trees). The ... Read more >

Day 2 NZ: Silos and super yachts

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 10 Apr 2017 | Views [375]

Started the day exploring downtown on the way to pick up the Jucy. Discovered funky Viaduct Harbour - an edgy makeover to Britomart, an industrial garage revamped into minalist, hipster, modern spaces. Think Docklands with an impressive backdrop of French ... Read more >

Photos: New Zealand 2017

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 10 Apr 2017 | Photo Gallery

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Day 1 NZ: Auckland

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 9 Apr 2017 | Views [396]

Excited to be discovering another country this year: New Zealand. This time with travel buddy Shell. Arrived in Auckland quite late due to bad weather leaving Sydney, so hit the hay. Staying at Base Hostel.

Day 198: Home today

HONG KONG | Monday, 1 Aug 2016 | Views [404]

We woke today to an email notifying us of our cancelled flight....bummer. They are expecting a typhoon over the next few days, so we think that's why it changed. Mike managed to get us on a flight via Brisbane getting in an hour later on Tuesday morning.... Read more >

Day 197: Bday Anniversary

HONG KONG | Sunday, 31 Jul 2016 | Views [286]

Happy Birthday Leo and Happy 9th Anniversary to us! It was touch and go there for a while but I'm glad we didn't sufficate each other with pillows as we slept - win win! We had a day of adventure heading to Lantau Island by ferry. Swam in the dirty ... Read more >

Day 196: Cosmo Goldfish

HONG KONG | Saturday, 30 Jul 2016 | Views [283]

Checked out of the air bnb place (and good timing as it was getting a little claustrophobic) and arrived at our new stay: The Cosmopolitan Hotel. Thought we'd treat ourselves for the last two days of the total trip - so got a nice room with a great ... Read more >

Day 195: Winston Ninja

HONG KONG | Friday, 29 Jul 2016 | Views [278]

Mike walked the inner city, found Hong Kong Park and had a read, then discovered little lane ways and tea shops. I chilled in Winston's Neighbourhood - an expat-run coffee shop with a rather cool name. POD is the playground just outside of the coffee ... Read more >

Day 194: Phone Busters

HONG KONG | Thursday, 28 Jul 2016 | Views [318]

Hit the town - Kowloon Town. We shopped till we dropped...well until we found the MI phone shop, then we bought two. His and hers matching phones...look at us, we've turned into Rob and Gab :) We have been hunting for this brand ever since hearing about ... Read more >

Day 193: Victoria's Peak

HONG KONG | Wednesday, 27 Jul 2016 | Views [376] | Comments [1]

Walked up, up, up and up in a pool of sweat to Victoria's Peak. Great outlook over the harbour, so worth the climb. I had my first ever BUBBLE TEA: Passionfruit green tea with mango bubbles - yumbo! Met Mike for kebabs and ice cream.

Day 192: Jackie Chan

HONG KONG | Tuesday, 26 Jul 2016 | Views [367]

Explored Honkers today and found we are in a really good localtion on Hong Kong Island side. Queens Road runs through the middle of the main areas and it's a colourful city, a mix of new and old. Hot hot hot so lots of shop hopping and icecream eating.... Read more >

Photos: Hong Kong

HONG KONG | Monday, 25 Jul 2016 | Photo Gallery

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