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Photos: A temporary home

USA | Sunday, 15 Jun 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Old doesn't mean you throw it out

USA | Saturday, 14 Jun 2014 | Views [315]

As I mentioned in the post about my cooking class, Thai people use every last part of the things they have. They somehow made congealed chicken blood into a delicacy just to avoid any sort of waste. They appreciate the things they have and show total ... Read more >

Photos: Cooking in Thailand

USA | Saturday, 14 Jun 2014 | Photo Gallery

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The Nicest People on Earth

USA | Friday, 13 Jun 2014 | Views [356]

I knew that Thailand was "the land of the smiles," but it really hits you when you finally meet that person that never stops smiling. I took a cooking class with some friends last weekend, and our instructor was just an exquisite individual. She had ... Read more >

Tags: chinese lantern, cooking, smiling, thailand, tik

Photos: Homestay teaching novice monks

USA | Tuesday, 10 Jun 2014 | Photo Gallery

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THAILAND | Tuesday, 10 Jun 2014 | Views [389]

I don't know about your family, but I've always considered mine to be pretty close-knit. There's not too many childhood memories I have that don't involve my parents or brothers. The other family members, however, are a different story. My parents chose ... Read more >

Tags: family, thailand

The Military Coup

USA | Tuesday, 27 May 2014 | Views [393]

I'd be lying if I said I knew a whole lot about the political conflict in Thailand at the moment. The miliitary coup happened last week, after martial law was declared throughout the country. The military has seized power in order to quell protests from ... Read more >

Tags: chiang rai, martial law, military coup, thailand

The Primary Schools

THAILAND | Friday, 23 May 2014 | Views [334]

Going to a Thai primary school was such an eye-opening experience. It was nothing at all like my fifth grade classes. In Thailand, Hua Fai primary school is mostly open air; the classroom doors all lead out to a common balcony or plaza, and inside the ... Read more >

Tags: thailand teaching

At a Glance

USA | Wednesday, 21 May 2014 | Views [292]

I've landed myself in a rural village in Thailand, about 20 minutes to the north of Chiang  Rai. The culture shock never really sets in at first, at least that's what they say. My parents were wondering if it was a strange experience, being in a ... Read more >

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