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La granadina It's the spring semester of my junior year, so I am celebrating with un gran viaje filled with classes (unfortunately) and crazy foreign fun.

Gallery: Semana Santa

SPAIN | Thursday, 10 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

The two Easter processions of Holy Week in Granada, one of the three Semana Santa capitols of Spain!
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Semana Santa

SPAIN | Thursday, 10 May 2007 | Views [682]

Just in case you guys thought Holy Week was a religious thing here in Andalusia, I will tell you now that it is really just a crazy, interesting mix of Pagan beliefs, touristy aims, religious propaganda, and, yes, Catholic tradition. Way back in the day, ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Part 3: Budapest, Hungary

HUNGARY | Tuesday, 8 May 2007 | Views [598]

So it turns out Budapest is actually a two-in-one deal: Buda on one side of the Danube and Pest on the other! The train station where we got off, unfortunately, turned out to be the wrong one, leaving us with a long hike and our first great adventure! ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Buda-Pest

HUNGARY | Friday, 13 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

The homestretch of our travels and grand finale to Slovakia Fest 2007!
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Gallery: Slovakia!!

SLOVAKIA | Friday, 13 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

This is the true essense of Slovakia Fest 2007.
See all 16 photos >>

Gallery: Ich spreche kein deutsch

AUSTRIA | Friday, 13 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

Exciting Slovakia Fest adventures in Vienna, Austria.
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Part 2: Bratislava, Slovakia

SLOVAKIA | Thursday, 12 Apr 2007 | Views [530]

So Vienna was really just warm ups. Bratislava’s where Slovakia Fest truly begins! We had absolutely no clue what to expect, aside from debatable Hollywood sources “Euro Trip” and “Hostel,” but Bratislava is quite the lovely little city! Nice and walkable, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Part 1: Vienna, Austria

AUSTRIA | Thursday, 12 Apr 2007 | Views [615]

Once upon a time was Slovakia Fest 2007. It pretty much rocked. Day 1 was a bit disjointed, what with our arriving on different flights, but no worries. By mealtime we were together at last and ate some healthy steak with onions at this rustic little ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Slovakia Fest 2007, an introduction

SLOVAKIA | Tuesday, 10 Apr 2007 | Views [634]

Well, I am so glad to say that Slovakia Fest 2007 was an awesome amazing success! All ticket purchasing problems aside, we pretty well rocked central Europe, pretty well failed at speaking Slovak or Hungarian, and pretty well each ate our combined weight ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


MOROCCO | Tuesday, 10 Apr 2007 | Views [1062]

I love Morocco! If you ever thought otherwise, you were wrong. Technically, I got back some weeks ago, but there was that whole food poisoning thing, then Spring Break, and time just kind of got away from me! So we’re going to rewind, and pretend that ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Morocco

MOROCCO | Monday, 19 Mar 2007 | Photo Gallery

My million adventures in Africa!
See all 47 photos >>

February, Spain-style

SPAIN | Wednesday, 28 Feb 2007 | Views [442]

Once upon a time, while it was blizzarding in Minnesota, I went to the beach. And not a scummy little lake “beach,” mind you: a real, live sand-and-salt-water bit of Mediterranean Sea. Tough life! It was to celebrate Andalusia Day, of course: Amy and ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

La Universidad de Granada

SPAIN | Tuesday, 20 Feb 2007 | Views [568]

Well, I survived my first day at the University! Classes at the Centro (I’m taking three there) started a while ago, but my big girl class just began this week. It was pouring rain and still dark out when I left home this morning (7:30, gross), but I ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Gallery: Carnaval!!

SPAIN | Monday, 19 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

The city-wide, long-long botellón of Cádiz.
See all 11 photos >>

The pre-Lent event of a lifetime

SPAIN | Monday, 19 Feb 2007 | Views [523]

Um, Carnaval? Insane. I don’t even know how else to decribe it: just the entire city of Cádiz converted into one, big, all-night botellón. My guidebook says “it makes Mardi Gras look like Monday night bingo.” I’ve never been to Mardi Gras, but maybe that ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Paris vs. Granada

SPAIN | Monday, 19 Feb 2007 | Views [538]

So good to be back in Spain. It’s weird how after only a month, Anna and I were homesick for Granada while we visited France. What’s also weird: not being able to communicate! Especially after Madrid, where the accent is so clear, switching over to French ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

J'aime des croissants

FRANCE | Friday, 16 Feb 2007 | Views [649]

Paris in three days is intense! I slept so much the week we got back, you would not even believe. But now I am awake, so I will share my stories! The start was not such fun. 3:30 alarm clock, me coughing up a lung: we really could have done without. Then ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Gallery: The City of Love

FRANCE | Friday, 9 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

Anna and my adventures in Paris.
See all 35 photos >>

Gallery: Segovia

SPAIN | Friday, 9 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

The third and final stop of our Arcadia adventure through central Spain.
See all 13 photos >>

Segovia, etc.

SPAIN | Friday, 9 Feb 2007 | Views [440]

Segovia was a sweet little city, where we spent the morning/afternoon of the fourth and final day of our Spain adventures. First we went the El Alcázar, the castle where the Catholic queen Isabel grew up, back when Spain was just a bunch of regions, before ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

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