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Throwing away the Ruby Slippers

break down!

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 2 February 2007 | Views [376]

aarrgghhh!  this computer is so slow & it's giving me problems & internet is so expensive here in Nelson.

anyway, wrote this last night, by glow of the streetlight while in "bed" in our van--I want a job.  I want a chocolate chip cookie sundae, some exorbitant homemade bread, blueberry muffings & some cheesecake (when did I ever get so a horrendous sweettooth?).  I'm desperate for a shower.  I want to do laundry.  I want grandparent-types to pick me up, feed me, let me use their facilities, & in general take care of me.  I want toys to play w/, like bikes & windsurfers & climbing gear.  I want free high-speed wireless internet access 24-7.  is this so much to ask?  Apparently, it is, though I refrained from adding that I wouldn't mind having the body of Angelina Jolie, for all my friends & family to come hang out & play w/ me here, & for a pine of Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra.

I realize that I'm winging (kiwi word for whining).  However, I think you'd winge, too, if you hadn't fully showered in who knows how long & spent the last 5 days in a town of 1500, that shuts down by 6 p.m., pretty much broke, waiting for your van to get fixed, taking 12k walks to pass the time & allowing yourself a single scoop of icecream a day as comfort food (ok, it was a scoop & a half, but it only cost 40 cents extra!).  My frugal soul and don't-waste-my-time attitude took a severe beating, as we were forced to wait through Nelson Day when everything was closed, then a couple more days, instead of working as we'd originally planned, then shell out $550 for spark plugs!  spark plugs!  who knew they came in platinum??  To add insult to injury, we have to henceforth fill up w/ premium, due to said spark plugs.  As if $70/tank isn't bad enough!

On the bright side, our van broke down w/ perfect timing & it was in town, so we can't really complain.  We were able to do a bit of exploring around Abel Tasman National Park, taking a 4-hr trek thrugh woods & even on the beach w/ a wee bit of sunshine!  we were also able to see the most-clear water in the world, twice (1st time it was raining, the 2nd time we went to pass the time--it was very clear.  we gazed into a 400m deep hole, surrounding by intriguing rocks.  We met a few hippies, including a deadhead named Steve from NYC who shared his cheese & crackers & offered to share his weed.  we took in a live performance of a marimba band, quite the festival atmosphere, w/o the grilled cheese & special brownies.  I even got kicked out of a bookstore for reading by a less-than-polite gentleman.

Currently, we are in Nelson, attempting to get a job w/ SEalord, working w/ seafood of all things. 

Please ignore my previous entry (last week's), as I was quite exhausted when I wrote; it's not past the point of credulity that it could conceivably been due to numerous bottles of free wine consumed on our patio on our private beach, celebrating Liz's 26th b-day.  Perhaps.  As we've had copious amounts of downtime since then, we've had plenty of sleep/library/stare-into-space/recuperation time.

Look for an address for me soon, as they'll hold mail for a month @ the post office for you.  just need to determine which city's post office!

things are looking up, as a job is in the works, the sun is shining, a busker festival is in town this weekend (street performers) & we hope to be able to take in the Superbowl somewhere.  amazing how long it took me to find out who was in it & when it was!  go Colts!

Tags: Budgets & money

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