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Throwing away the Ruby Slippers

on the up & up

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 6 February 2007 | Views [305]

Hello!  Things are looking much better than when last I wrote, complaining, complaining, complaining. 

We finally have jobs, that started yesterday @ a most unfortunate time, as it was half time w/ the Colts on their way to winning hte Superbowl, when I had to leave.  I was bummed to miss out on all the hoopla @ home, (I can't seem to keep myself from using old-person words these days, like hoopla & rigamarole)& all the food goodies, too!  anyway, congrats Colts!

as I said, we had our 1st day of work, @ SEalord, packing fish.  After an induction & getting suited up in protective gear including earmuffs, white scrub-type clothing, steel-toe gumboots (knee-high rubber boots), & a hairnet, we were shown about & put to work rolling fish into plastic & placing them in boxes.  it stunk a bit, but not too bad, I don't think.  it will def make for long days, as it's obviously repetitive.  it's fun to watch out for fish gunk flying at your face when they roll over onto the weigh station.  :)

we have today off, as it's another national holiday, so everything's shut down.  I guess we'll have to console ourselves by heading to the beach & lying about, as it's rather hot today.

this past weekend was fun, shopping for fruit & veggies @ the Sat market again (though my peaches immediately molded, which sucked!), & enjoying the people of the busker festival.  we had entertainers juggling, juggling on top of tippy boxes w/ machetes, hammering a nail into a nose, telling an entire story using balloons & no words, hula-hooping, etc.  Often it's just as fun to watch people's reactions as it is to watch the street performers!

such is life here, nothing overly exciting.

oh, yeah, if you want to send mail in the next few days (keep in mind, it takes 10 days to get here), you can address it thus:

Elizabeth Doster

c/o Nelson Post Office, New Zealand

and another thing--Liz is leaving NZ in April, I'm planning to stay until May & I'd love some company, so come visit!  I might head to Australia for that month, we'll see.  Let me know if you're interested!

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

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