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David's World Tour Begins... The purpose of this journal is to let you experience the world of travel as I have experienced it. I hope that I can educate you about the joys and pains of travel and encourage more people to start exploring!

A Laugh

USA | Monday, 9 July 2007 | Views [452] | Comments [5]

You know, I have to laugh a bit at myself with all that I am writing or shall I say, not writing, in this journal. I feel badly for those reading it as I feel I try to give you a glimpse of my journey, yet fail miserably with these simple comments. The problem here, I guess, is that I don't have much detail to tell you about. I don't know whether or not to give you the 'web' version of these places or just give you the 'David' version. haha. Please forgive me if you find this less than entertaining. I hope to spice it up a bit when I have more time on the internet than 30 minutes.

Right now I should catch you up on a few facts of what I've seen in London. First fact is that country-wide they just started their smoking ban, so no smoking inside public places or train station platforms. They are feeling what some of us felt in the US when we went under a smoking ban. But for the most part, it seems to be going over well. Another interesting finding here is that many people roll their own cigarettes. I talked with these 3 women at the Pig and Fiddle 'beer garden' yesterday in Bath and inquired about this. It was funny to me to see a woman roll her own cigarette, but she advises that it is much cheaper AND healthier as it is real tobacco. I would think it would cut down on conusmption as well as it seems to take a couple of minutes to pop out a cigarette. Though I guess professional rollers can roll one in a matter of seconds. haha. Outside of smoking I found it interesting that the day remained lighter well past 9 o'clock. I don't have a watch (I lost mine prior to my trip and have been too cheap to purchase another one) so I've been relying on Alan telling me the time and many times I am shocked to see that it is 10 and still a bit light out.

Today we're in Manchester, though we are only staying the night really. The trip from Bath took longer than expected and we didn't arrive to Manchester until 4pm. By the time we got to the hostel, it was about 5 and there wasn't much time to do any sightseeing, though I don't think we'll be sad. The city is okay, but not all that impressive from what we've seen- typical English city with old buildings.

Tomorrow we're off to Edienburgh. I've pronounced this as eyeden-burg for some reason and Alan kept telling me it was more like ed-en-burg. But today I found that it is really simply ed-en-borough. haha. I guess sometimes Phonics doesn't always work. haha.

Cheers- Until Next time...

PS. I am uploading my pics now and will have a link to them and will hopefully 'dress' up some of these entries with them as well.

Tags: Adventures




Anyone can google a city and get the "web" version. I would much rather read about the "David" version. That's the real insight.

  Cheryl Ann Jul 10, 2007 6:08 AM


Yeah, I agree with Cheryl Ann. Tell us more about the beer over there.

  Matt Jul 10, 2007 10:24 AM


"ditto" Cheryl.....I would rather hear your version of the trip! Your comments are much more amusing and candid than Fedor or the web. You're a good writer. And I'm sure we wouldn't hear about the Pig and Fiddle in the web version!

  Mom Jul 12, 2007 11:56 PM


I would much rather get the David version also. It will help me get a little of my David fix that I've been missing. Keep it coming!

  Anthony Jul 14, 2007 4:01 AM


"Where in the world is....David Robert".. :)

I would like the David version too. We may all need to pitch in to buy him some more server space though..we know he can write. :) Keep it coming David! It's nice to feel connected to you on your adventure.

  Stephen Jul 14, 2007 10:05 PM

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