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The Naked Archeologist

PERU | Tuesday, 11 March 2008 | Views [799] | Comments [3]

Ok ok so I am not naked, because if I was I would be a boiled tomato. We are definatly in South America! It was very hot here and even with LOTS  of sunscreen I got a little toasted during our outing yesterday.

We went to a Site called Tucume today in the town of Lambayeque to see the Valley of the pyramids which where inhabited by 3 different cultures over time. Sican culture,Chimu and Inca. It was very interesting to go through the small museum and see the different pottery that had accumilated with the cultures all in one place.

In the center of the complex, there was a natural hill called Cerro Pergatory.The Spanish named it that because before all the erosion from El Nina's every 10 years, it was most difficult to climb. It was amazing when we got up to a high point, If you strip away the visual appearence of erosion you can imagine or visualize the city bustling with activity like it did when it was a prominent city in previous cultures. It was truely breathtaking. (The younger kids climbed the highest peak followed by vultures we figured they were looking for an easy lunch!)

Speaking of lunch, we ate a fabulous lunch in a local resturant. Every dish needed to be translated by our guide.

We ate:

Cheveche - fresh fish marinated in lemon and lime

Stingray omelete

Corn Tamale




WhiteBeans and Sauce

Green Rice with corrinader

It was a fantastic lunch!

Just 22 miles west of the site there are over 700,000 people living in Chiclayo! We went to the central market which you would think the entire population was there. It was like a New York fleamarket on massive steriods!.

The amazing part of the market was the Shaman stall. The smell of herbs and medicinal plants float through the air. The energy is very powerful as you walk past some of these stalls. Some made me want to run and some pulled me in. When you dont know much about the meanings of what things are it can be intimidating. Healthcare is not government funded in Peru. So if someone gets ill they dont have the money to visit a doctor, they often go to the markets to seek their cure from the Shamans in the markets. I wanted to buy things but yet I was afriad to touch things. It was an experience I would love to have again with some good spanish and a personal guide!

After the market it was pool time. It was wonderful after our day out to relax by the pool and swim. I got approched by a woman who works in the spa and ended up getting a manicure and a pedicure which was fantastic.

You all are most likely shaking your heads but hey ....there were like 3 girls who ended up getting massages!! Girls will be girls even if we are nerds!

We are off to Cajamarca today to stay at the Posada de Puruay  (an old Spanish Hacienda in the Andies) its a six hour bus ride and I am not sure if there will be internet if there is not I will return to a place where I know there will be access in 2 days. I am having an experience of a life time!

Love you all  


Tags: Adventures



I miss you you are my mum
Daddy has been reading me your letters and showing me pictures.
I love you

  Skye Mar 12, 2008 8:04 AM


glad you are having an educational and fun experience and you are getting spoiled too!!!!! I would love to try a stingray omeleete...lol..but is it bettter then milano cookies??? BTW Dave is holding the keebler elves hostage till you get home...lol

p.s your message from skye was just the cutest

  kerri Mar 13, 2008 7:17 AM


Herbs you say? And here the only place Ive ever wanted to go to was Amsterdam. Perhaps next visit you can bring yourself a herbal guide book. I hear indian shamans have the best cures for what ails you.....Happy climbing and massaging...Dont forget to use that sunscreen.
Love Ya

  Dave Mar 16, 2008 9:21 AM

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