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Wandering Angel I get around :)

About dragonflynambr

Hi everyone,

As a young girl I have always wanted to persue the past. Archeology and Anthropology was always something that drew my attention. Travel was always a  secret dream I never shared with anyone. I hope this trip will be the start of my world travels so I can study other countries,cultures and past. I have my eyes and heart set on an Amazon excursion in Equador next year. I will always remember mom's words to me late one night, she said "never limit my dreams" and I promised with all my heart that I wouldn't ever limit my hopes and dreams and desires ever again.

 For this trip, I am going to be traveling with Dutchess Community College on a field study trip to Northern Peru. This trip will not include the "well touristed Cuzco or Macchu Picchu."(I want to do that trip when I am fit enough to actually hike the Inca trail without an oxygen tank) But it will include the  rapidly disappearing ruins of Chan Chan, viewing the collection of the Lord of Sipan( a collection that surpasses King Tuts treasures)a dip in the thermal medicinal baths of the Incas, and other wonderful adventures. I am told there will be internet cafe's through out the cities we will pass through so I can update as i go along.

My Travel Map:
