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The night before

USA | Saturday, 8 March 2008 | Views [802] | Comments [2]

We had our last meeting at DCC before the trip. Last minute details (many moans and groans from ladies feeling the need to smuggle in blowdryers!!!) There were many interesting stories being told by the seasoned travelers and directors of previous trips of DCC past. The topic of conversation was "Students gone wild (or the term they actually used was psycho). I have to admit I was looking around the room wondering if one of my fellow anthropological student/travelers would be the topic of the next psycho trip discussions. Although lack of blowdryers has made some high mantainance females scary at times ( I packed a hat because my hair is too short for matching scrunchies)I am not sure if I saw any with potential to make trouble but I assume we shall see.

6am the bus leaves the school parking lot I am sure some of us will be bright eyed or at least working on it with large caffinated coffees. I will be armed with reading material, MP3 player and enough snacks to feed Skye's entire preschool class. I also have a paper journal that I will be writing in so nothing gets lost while I conduct my cyber cafe searches.

We will be headed to Newark Airport for a 11:25 to Atlanta then a 4:45 to Lima.(I have plenty of reading material to keep me busy and I am sure I will have some time to see who will end up snapping under pressure from the long layovers) We should land in Lima 10:50pm.

Until next time **Adios my friends**

Tags: The Planning Phase



just to fill in those of you reading this Angel was up and ready to go on time (I know most of us had some doubts about her ability to be up that early) And so was Skye. Skye wanted to see Mommy off.
The bus was in the parking lot when we arrived, one student was late. Not sure if they waited for her or not as Skye did not want to sit in the parking lot for too long.
The flight out of LGA was late leaving about 2 hours due mostly to the bad weather north and west of us. As was the flight from Atlanta to Lima. They arrived in Lima about 1:30 (I tracked the plane as far as the void of the Pasific Ocean between the ispis of Panama and the top of South America.)
Be well Angel and have a most wonderous trip.
(sorry about the spelling folks but my computer will not let me cut and paste)

  Myke Mar 10, 2008 12:37 AM


hope you are having a great time Angel! I can not wait to read about your great adventure, be safe!

We all miss and love you very much!


  danni Mar 10, 2008 7:49 AM

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