Although I have met some lovely people on my stay in south Goa it does seem to have a fair share of pretentious twats. The pretentious twats have an all knowing air, they have seen what the world can be like, admired its many mysteries, and they would find it difficult to relate to the common man, or rather the common western man. Give a pretentious twat an encounter with the bloke what cleans the municipal bogs in Bangalore and he will assure you that they had a spiritual experience but introduce him to a working class European and he will treat him with disdain.
I think it's a middle class thing. Your actual middle class were raised that way and they can't help it. However, there is a breed of working class Independent or Guardian readers who want to show that they are better than the crowd, the herd, and they are the ones that get my goat. They don't aspire to be middle class in itself, they just aspire to be better than other people and they don't realise that that will make them middle class, that will make them of better breeding. It's not just the British, by the way, although I notice them more and we are very very good at it, it's also other Europeans and even some Aussies, when did they get posh?