A new experience awaited; a brush-free 'drive-in' car wash. Code duly purchased and entered into the machine we advanced warily towards the green 'move forward' sign then immediately moved back as the sign suddenly turned red and stated 'back up'!
After successfully moving forward again as instructed by the machine, the wash duly commenced; soap and rinse then paused for a long time. We sat for a very long time waiting for something to happen and occasionally looking at each other as if that would help. Malcolm was extremely unwilling to get out of the car in case it started again and Diana flatly refused. However many minutes later Malcolm reversed the car and sprinted to the garage to explain our predicament. The local expert arrived ..... and pressed various knobs and buttons many times and eventually we were kindly asked to try again whilst he observed - was this a case of the English not knowing how the thing worked; his facial expression seemed to infer this.
Repeated actions, including move forward, back up then soap and rinse followed and then a very long pause! Instructed to reverse out, refund of monies provided with profuse apologies and .............................. we had a very clean car. Neither of us recognised it as the one we hired! The brown leather surround of the spare wheel on the back was actually black, what a surprise!
We think there is a song about a car wash but can't remember the words.