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Oktoberfest!!!!!!! The beer fest!!!!

GERMANY | Sunday, 27 September 2009 | Views [490] | Comments [1]

We came, we saw, we drank! Munich and its amazing beer! Yes, we have arrived for the beer festivals of festivals, Oktoberfest – The 16 most important days in the Munich calender year! During our world tour we have had the privilege to taste different national beers so it was amazing to be here... We did however have to get to Munich first.. This proved to be a little more difficult than we thought as it seemed that the whole population of Europe was making their way to Munich for the weekend.. We took a train that was so overcrowded you could have mistaken it to be in India and not The Czech Republic! Every carriage was full beyond reason, so people were standing side by side in the aisles and carriage entrances! Dan, two ladies, 2 men, myself, 6 suitcases and a dog spent the 6 hour train journey crammed in the doorway entrance of carriage 278...

Not the most exciting trip but memorable to say the least! All was forgotten, depression replaced with excitement when we finally arrived.. We were crazy enough however to book this weekend through Top Deck adventures so we had three nights of European camping to look forward to..... Again! The only difference was it was about -4 degrees at night which was a little tough... Thankfully we had a never ending amount of beer to keep us warm LOL

So, being a Friday night we didn't waste any time at the camp and caught the first available shuttle into Oktoberfest!

The place was so crowded, there were people standing in lines everywhere, all of the beer halls were closed due to maximum capacity and the beer gardens much the same... The festival resembles more of a theme park or circus as aside from the 11 huge beer halls there are rides, roller coasters, food stands (with the best that Germany has to offer – Delicious!) everything... So we spend our first night sampling the finest beers, food and getting in some great people watching (drunk people are quite amusing to sit back and watch)...

In 16 days, over 6 million people visit Oktoberfest and drink 6.5 million litres of beer!

So for Saturday we arrived early and were able to find the most amazing table and sat with a group of Italians and a Munich Couple...

I cannot explain to you how busy this place was, it was 11am and all the beer halls were already closed due to maximum capacity! We were so lucky! It was a glorious day and therefore better to be sitting in a beer garden at a great table and drinking in the afternoon sun...

We had the most amazing beer wench, she was so old and could hold 8 steins at a time – so we all tipped here pretty well :)

There were so many laughs and interesting conversations had as we didn't speak Italian and the Italians didn't speak English but no matter today was one of the best on our trip to date!

Sunday was a little more painful as the last couple of days of drinking were starting to wear us down but we still made an appearance for our last day at Oktoberfest...Dans looking great...

Anna not so much LOL (just a pose for the photo!)

We were told that the beers here have no preservatives so that you don't get a hangover... This did seem to be the case however it was exhaustion that was getting us down a little.. But all in all it was a brilliant weekend!

We have another two days to recover in Munich before our exciting flight to New York... We will spend 8 days in this amazing city – We can't wait!

Anna's first stein.

Anna's first stein.




were are the messy pics!

  jace Sep 29, 2009 9:00 PM



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