A primavera por aqui comecou no inicio de Setembro. Tivemos dias bonitos e sol forte (para a epoca!). Mas ai, na ultima semana do mes, o tempo virou. Vento, frio e chuva. E no primeiro fim de semana de outubro, a maior nevasca dos ultimso 25 anos na ilha Norte! Gente presa nas estradas por 14 horas! Isso eh que aquecimento global?!
The Spring here started at the begining of September. We had beautiful days with lots of sun but at the last week of the month everything changed. Rain, wind, cold. At the first weekend of October we had the biggest snow in the North Island in 25 years! There was people stranded in road for 14 hours! Is this the global warming?!
A foto eh a ilustracao do frio dentro de casa. A Elida nao conta, a energia dela a mantem aquecida. Euzinha, to congelando com pilhas de roupas!
The photo is to show how cold is inside the house. Elida doens't count because her energy level keeps her warm. Little me, I'm freezen inside tons of clothes!