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Trip: France

There are [4] stories from my trip: France

Gallery: France

FRANCE | Tuesday, 8 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

Paris and Nice
See all 15 photos >>

Nice & Monaco

FRANCE | Tuesday, 8 May 2007 | Views [796] | Comments [1]

Well I'm back in the UK now, but my last couple of days in France were really nice. I spent them in the Cote d'Azur (French Riviera). I stayed in Nice where I spent a day and a half wandering around the streets and along the promenade with the crystal ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Paris Day 3

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 2 May 2007 | Views [520]

So, day 3 in Paris is over and tomorrow I am on the train to Nice. I'm actually looking forward to the 5 hour train ride so I can put my feet up. Took off early this morning to visit the Catacombes, which is a whole lot of old bones buried 20m under ... Read more >

Tags: Culture


FRANCE | Tuesday, 1 May 2007 | Views [632]

I've been in Paris now for 2 days of my France trip. I arrived on Sunday from Heathrow and managed to find the hostel without too much hassle. Unfortunately being a Sunday and everything was closed, my first taste of Paris was Pizza Hut! I've since managed ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing