What a roller coaster of emotions. I am excited, nervous, scared, amazed, and at times, feel like I am going to puke my guts out. This started when I found out about my assignment a few weeks ago. After all this time of waiting and wondering where I would end up and what I would be doing, I thought it would never happen, but now that I know, I have no idea what to think. I don't think reality has fully set in...even though I have already turned in my resignation for work (a month early!), started thinking about what to pack, tried on some huge backpacks, and boxing up my stuff. I don't think it will fully hit me that I will be gone for 27 months until I am at the airport, tearfully saying my goodbyes...
But - I still have a month to go, so I will enjoy my time at home while it lasts. Eating all the good food, pigging out on dark chocolate (my favorite!), enjoying my nice bed and hot showers, drinking, and just hanging out!