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There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "rwanda".

Making friends while travelling

UGANDA | Wednesday, 30 Dec 2009 | Views [773]

I have had the wonderful fortune of meeting fabulous people on this trip through East Africa.  Some of them have been fellow travelers like Ian in Mombasa, Jess and Wen-Li in Zanzibar, and a Georgetown MBA grad working in SF named Christine on my flight ... Read more >

Tags: bus, hbs, hostels, rwanda, travel friends, uganda

Adventures in Rwanda!

RWANDA | Sunday, 27 Dec 2009 | Views [742]

Hello, dear readers!   I’m posting this on Monday though I wrote it Sunday night.   So bear with me on the time difference…   Last I wrote I had just arrived in Kigali after a harrying travel day last Friday.   So much has happened since! ... Read more >

Tags: hiking, kigali, mud, rwanda, travel friends, volcan national parc

Traveling in East Africa: a primer

RWANDA | Saturday, 26 Dec 2009 | Views [759]

When I starting thinking about taking this trip I wondered how much planning I should do ahead of time and how much I could just figure out as I went.   When I backpacked through Europe it was during the high season, and I had to make reservations ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, crazy airport stories, kigali, rwanda, tanzania, travel friends

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