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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: one girl's quest to see the world


There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "hbs".

Safari Time

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 13 Jan 2010 | Views [1219]

This will likely be the last entry of my trip, since I fly out to London tomorrow, and onward to New York on Friday.   Don’t be too sad, readers!   I’m already plotting my next big adventure and believe me: it is going to be spectacular.   ... Read more >

Tags: game drives, hbs, ngorogoro, serengeti, tanzania

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro!

TANZANIA | Sunday, 10 Jan 2010 | Views [1365]

Dear readers, I am pleased to announce that I have returned from the Kili climb completely intact.   Furthermore, I would like to share the fabulous news with you that I MADE IT TO THE TOP!!!    Seven days of grueling hiking, six nights of soggy ... Read more >

Tags: camping, hbs, hiking, kilimanjaro, stinky, tanzania

Making friends while travelling

UGANDA | Wednesday, 30 Dec 2009 | Views [773]

I have had the wonderful fortune of meeting fabulous people on this trip through East Africa.  Some of them have been fellow travelers like Ian in Mombasa, Jess and Wen-Li in Zanzibar, and a Georgetown MBA grad working in SF named Christine on my flight ... Read more >

Tags: bus, hbs, hostels, rwanda, travel friends, uganda

Packing for "January Term"

USA | Monday, 14 Dec 2009 | Views [609] | Comments [1]

Here at Harvard we have this thing called "January term", which is basically an extended winter break (5.5 weeks or so) in which you are supposed to celebrate the holidays and then do something productive like a mini-course or internship.... Read more >

Tags: am i nuts?, hbs, preparations

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