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My Scholarship entry - A local encounter that changed my life

Monday, 9 Apr 2012 | Views [2022] | Comments [1] | Scholarship Entry

Puja gives me a convoluted look made of equal parts optimism and boredom. Her face, a Mumbai roadmap of wrinkles caked in Day-glo chalk, is so hypnotic that it takes a moment to realize she’s requesting a handout. Not knowing proper Indian elephant ... Read more >

Tags: travel writing scholarship 2012

My Travel Writing Scholarship 2011 entry - Journey in an Unknown Culture

Monday, 28 Mar 2011 | Views [5642] | Comments [1] | Scholarship Entry

The old man squats over the kiln and pours the molten ordinance into the cast. Made of fire-hardened teak, each mold is worn smooth by decades of use and clasped together with a frayed length of hemp twine. Black singe marks cover the block and the ... Read more >

Tags: #2011writing, travel writing scholarship 2011



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